EnumerateTraceGuidsEx function (evntrace.h)

Retrieves information about event trace providers that are currently running on the computer.


ULONG WMIAPI EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(
  [in]  TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS TraceQueryInfoClass,
  [in]  PVOID                  InBuffer,
  [in]  ULONG                  InBufferSize,
  [out] PVOID                  OutBuffer,
  [in]  ULONG                  OutBufferSize,
  [out] PULONG                 ReturnLength


[in] TraceQueryInfoClass

Determines the type of information to return. For possible values, see the TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS enumeration.

[in] InBuffer

GUID of the provider or provider group whose information you want to retrieve. Specify the GUID only if TraceQueryInfoClass is TraceGuidQueryInfo or TraceGroupQueryInfo.

[in] InBufferSize

Size, in bytes, of the data InBuffer.

[out] OutBuffer

Application-allocated buffer that contains the enumerated information. The format of the information depends on the value of TraceQueryInfoClass.

[in] OutBufferSize

Size, in bytes, of the OutBuffer buffer. If the function succeeds, the ReturnLength parameter receives the size of the buffer used. If the buffer is too small, the function returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER and the ReturnLength parameter receives the required buffer size. If the buffer size is zero on input, no data is returned in the buffer and the ReturnLength parameter receives the required buffer size.

[out] ReturnLength

Actual size of the data in OutBuffer, in bytes.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the system error codes. The following are some common errors and their causes.


    One of the parameters is not valid.


    The OutBuffer buffer is too small to receive information for all registered providers. Reallocate the buffer using the size returned in ReturnLength.


This function returns information about event trace providers that have been started (via RegisterTraceGuids or EventRegister) and have not yet been stopped.


To get information about provider manifests that have been registered on the system (i.e. manifests registered via wevtutil), use TdhEnumerateProviders.

If TraceQueryInfoClass is TraceGuidQueryInfo, ETW returns the data in a TRACE_GUID_INFO block that is a header to the information. The info block contains a TRACE_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_INFO block for each provider that uses the same GUID. Each instance info block contains a TRACE_ENABLE_INFO structure for each session that enabled the provider.


The following example shows you how to call this function.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <evntcons.h>

DWORD GetProviderInfo(GUID ProviderGuid, PTRACE_GUID_INFO& pInfo);

int wmain(void)
    GUID* pTemp = NULL;
    GUID* pGuids = NULL;
    DWORD GuidListSize = 0;
    DWORD GuidCount = 0;
    DWORD RequiredListSize = 0;
    WCHAR ProviderGuid[50];

    // Get the required buffer size for the query.

    status = EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryList, NULL, 0, pGuids, GuidListSize, &RequiredListSize);

    // The number of registered providers could change between the
    // time you called to get the buffer size and the time you called
    // to get the actual data, so call EnumerateTraceGuidsEx in a loop
    // until you no longer get ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

    while (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == status)
        pTemp = (GUID*)realloc(pGuids, RequiredListSize);

        if (NULL == pTemp)
            printf("Error allocating memory for list of provider GUIDs.\n");
            goto cleanup;

        pGuids = pTemp;
        pTemp = NULL;

        GuidListSize = RequiredListSize;

        ZeroMemory(pGuids, GuidListSize);

        status = EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryList, NULL, 0, pGuids, GuidListSize, &RequiredListSize);

    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == status)
        GuidCount = GuidListSize / sizeof(GUID);

        // For each registered provider on the computer, get information
        // about how it was registered. If a session enabled the
        // provider, get information on how the session enabled the provider.

        for (USHORT i = 0; i < GuidCount; i++)
            StringFromGUID2(pGuids[i], ProviderGuid, sizeof(ProviderGuid));

            printf("Provider: %ls\n", ProviderGuid);

            status = GetProviderInfo(pGuids[i], pInfo);

            if (ERROR_SUCCESS == status)
                pInstance = (PTRACE_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_INFO)((PBYTE)pInfo + sizeof(TRACE_GUID_INFO));

                if (pInfo->InstanceCount > 1)
                    printf("There are %d providers that use the same GUID.\n", pInfo->InstanceCount);

                for (DWORD j = 0; j < pInfo->InstanceCount; j++)
                    printf("\tThe PID of the process that registered the provider is %lu.\n", pInstance->Pid);

                    if ((pInstance->Flags & TRACE_PROVIDER_FLAG_PRE_ENABLE) == TRACE_PROVIDER_FLAG_PRE_ENABLE)
                        printf("\tThe provider is not registered; however, one or more sessions have enabled the provider.\n");
                        if ((pInstance->Flags & TRACE_PROVIDER_FLAG_LEGACY) == TRACE_PROVIDER_FLAG_LEGACY)
                            printf("\tThe provider used RegisterTraceGuids to register itself.\n");
                            printf("\tThe provider used EventRegister to register itself.\n");

                    if (pInstance->EnableCount > 0)
                        printf("\tThe provider is enabled to the following sessions.\n");

                        pEnable = (PTRACE_ENABLE_INFO)((PBYTE)pInstance + sizeof(TRACE_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_INFO));

                        for (DWORD k = 0; k < pInstance->EnableCount; k++)
                            printf("\t\tSession Id: %hu\n", pEnable->LoggerId);
                            printf("\t\tLevel used to enable the provider: %hu\n", pEnable->Level);
                            printf("\t\tMatchAnyKeyword value used to enable the provider: %I64u\n", pEnable->MatchAnyKeyword);
                            printf("\t\tMatchAllKeyword value used to enable the provider: %I64u\n", pEnable->MatchAllKeyword);

                            if (pEnable->EnableProperty > 0)
                                printf("\t\tThe session requested that the following information be included with each event:\n");

                                if ((pEnable->EnableProperty & EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_SID) == EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_SID)
                                    printf("\t\t\tThe SID of the user that logged the event\n");

                                if ((pEnable->EnableProperty & EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_TS_ID) == EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_TS_ID)
                                    printf("\t\t\tThe terminal session ID\n");



                    pInstance = (PTRACE_PROVIDER_INSTANCE_INFO)((PBYTE)pInstance + pInstance->NextOffset);


                printf("Error retrieving provider info (%lu)\n\n", status);

        printf("\nRegistered provider count is %lu.\n", GuidCount);
        printf("EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryList) failed with %lu.\n", status);
        goto cleanup;


    if (pGuids)
        pGuids = NULL;

    if (pInfo)
        pInfo = NULL;

    return 0;

// Get information about the specified provider.

DWORD GetProviderInfo(GUID ProviderGuid, PTRACE_GUID_INFO& pInfo)
    DWORD InfoListSize = 0;
    DWORD RequiredListSize = 0;

    status = EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryInfo, &ProviderGuid, sizeof(GUID), pInfo, InfoListSize, &RequiredListSize);

    while (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == status)
        pTemp = (PTRACE_GUID_INFO)realloc(pInfo, RequiredListSize);

        if (NULL == pTemp)
            printf("Error allocating memory for provider info.\n");
            goto cleanup;

        pInfo = pTemp;
        pTemp = NULL;

        InfoListSize = RequiredListSize;

        ZeroMemory(pInfo, InfoListSize);

        status = EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryInfo, &ProviderGuid, sizeof(GUID), pInfo, InfoListSize, &RequiredListSize);

    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != status)
        printf("EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryInfo) failed with %lu.\n", status);


    return status;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header evntrace.h
Library Advapi32.lib
DLL Advapi32.dll

See also