IFaxDocument::ConnectedSubmit method (faxcomex.h)

The IFaxDocument::ConnectedSubmit method submits a single fax document to the connected IFaxServer. The method returns an array of fax job ID strings, one for each recipient of the fax.


HRESULT ConnectedSubmit(
  [in]          IFaxServer *pFaxServer,
  [out, retval] VARIANT    *pvFaxOutgoingJobIDs


[in] pFaxServer

Type: IFaxServer*

An IFaxServer interface that specifies a connected fax server.

[out, retval] pvFaxOutgoingJobIDs


VARIANT that holds an array of outbound job ID strings, one for each recipient of the fax.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Note  To succeed, the IFaxDocument::ConnectedSubmit method requires that the IFaxDocument object have at least one recipient, and either a cover page or a fax body. You can only use this method if the server (remote or local) is installed as a network printer on the local computer.
This method is not supported for a remote connection to a fax server running Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional, and will return the error: FAX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_THIS_SKU.

To use this method, a user must have the farSUBMIT_LOW, farSUBMIT_NORMAL, or farSUBMIT_HIGH access right, depending on the IFaxDocument::get_Priority of the fax document.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header faxcomex.h
DLL Fxscomex.dll

See also


Visual Basic Example