IFaxIncomingArchive::get_SizeLow method (faxcomex.h)

The SizeLow property is a value that specifies the low 32-bit value (in bytes) for the size of the archive of inbound fax messages.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_SizeLow(
  long *plSizeLow



Return value



Note  This property is not supported in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and later versions of Windows.
Because the archive may exceed 4 GB in size, the archive's size is described using two long values. SizeLow is the low 32-bit value of the archive size. SizeHigh is the high 32-bit value of the archive size. The size of the archive is: SizeLow + 4 GB * SizeHigh.

If both the SizeLow and SizeHigh properties have the value 0xffffffff, they specify an invalid archive size, and you should ignore both property values.

To read this property, a user must have the farQUERY_CONFIG access right.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header faxcomex.h
DLL Fxscomex.dll

See also



Visual Basic Example