IFsrmPropertyBag::GetFileStreamInterface method (fsrmpipeline.h)

Retrieves a file stream interface that you can use to access the contents of the file.


HRESULT GetFileStreamInterface(
  [in]  FsrmFileStreamingMode          accessMode,
  [in]  FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType interfaceType,
  [out] VARIANT                        *pStreamInterface


[in] accessMode

One or more access modes. For possible values, see the FsrmFileStreamingMode enumeration.

[in] interfaceType

The type of streaming interface to use. For possible interface types, see the FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType enumeration.

[out] pStreamInterface

A VARIANT that contains the streaming interface that you can use to access the contents of the file. The variant is of type VT_DISPATCH. Query the dispval member of the variant to get the specified streaming interface.

Return value

The method returns the following return values.


To ensure the caller can be authorized for access, it must be a module that has its IFsrmPipelineModuleDefinition::NeedsFileContent property set to TRUE. If the accessMode parameter is set to FsrmFileStreamingMode_Write, the caller must also be a storage module and have its IFsrmStorageModuleDefinition::UpdatesFileContent property set to TRUE.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrmpipeline.h
DLL SrmSvc.dll

See also
