LinearGradientBrush::LinearGradientBrush(constRect&,constColor&,constColor&,LinearGradientMode) method (gdiplusbrush.h)

Creates a LinearGradientBrush::LinearGradientBrush object based on a rectangle and mode of direction.


void LinearGradientBrush(
  [in, ref] const Rect &       rect,
  [in, ref] const Color &      color1,
  [in, ref] const Color &      color2,
  [in]      LinearGradientMode mode


[in, ref] rect

Type: const Rect

Reference to a rectangle that specifies the starting and ending points of the gradient. The direction of the gradient, specified by mode, affects how these points are defined. The dimensions of the rectangle affect the direction of the gradient for forward diagonal mode and backward diagonal mode.

[in, ref] color1

Type: const Color

Reference to a Color object that specifies the color at the starting boundary line of this linear gradient brush.

[in, ref] color2

Type: const Color

Reference to a Color object that specifies the color at the ending boundary line of this linear gradient brush.

[in] mode

Type: LinearGradientMode

Element of the LinearGradientMode enumeration that specifies the direction of the gradient.

Return value



The starting boundary of the gradient is a straight line that either passes through the starting point or borders the rectangle rect. The ending boundary of the gradient is a straight line that is parallel to the starting boundary line and that either passes through the ending point or borders the rectangle. The "directional line," an imaginary straight line, is perpendicular to the boundary lines. The gradient color is constant along lines that are parallel to the boundary lines. The gradient gradually changes from the starting color to the ending color along the directional line.

The mode affects the boundaries of the gradient:

  • Vertical mode The boundary lines are parallel to the top (and bottom) of the rectangle rect. The starting and ending boundary lines are the top and bottom, respectively, of the rectangle rect.
  • Horizontal mode The boundary lines are parallel to the left (and right) of the rectangle  rect. The starting and ending boundary lines are the left and right, respectively, of the rectangle rect.
  • Forward diagonal mode The boundary lines are parallel to the diagonal line that is defined by the upper-right corner and lower-left corner of the rectangle rect. The starting boundary line passes through the starting point (upper-left corner of the rectangle rect). The ending boundary line passes through the ending point (lower-right corner of the rectangle rect). Note that starting and ending points are opposites of the starting and ending points for backward diagonal mode.
  • Backward diagonal mode The boundary lines are parallel to the diagonal line that is defined by the upper-left corner and lower-right corner of the rectangle rect. The starting boundary line passes through the starting point (upper-right corner of the rectangle rect). The ending boundary line passes through the ending point (lower-left corner of the rectangle rect). Note that starting and ending points are opposites of the starting and ending points for forward diagonal mode.


The following example creates a linear gradient brush using LinearGradientModeVertical for the mode setting.

VOID Example_Construct04(HDC hdc)
   Graphics myGraphics(hdc);

   LinearGradientBrush linGrBrush(
      Rect(20, 10, 200, 100),
      Color(255, 255, 0, 0),   // red
      Color(255, 0, 0, 255),   // blue
   myGraphics.FillRectangle(&linGrBrush, 0, 0, 300, 300); 


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header gdiplusbrush.h (include Gdiplus.h)
Library Gdiplus.lib
DLL Gdiplus.dll

See also

Brushes and Filled Shapes


Creating a Linear Gradient

Filling a Shape with a Color Gradient


