CMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent function (icm.h)

Retrieves the PostScript Level 2 color rendering intent from a profile.


BOOL CMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent(
  HPROFILE hProfile,
  DWORD    dwIntent,
  LPBYTE   lpBuffer,
  LPDWORD  lpcbSize



Specifies the profile to use.


Specifies the desired rendering intent to retrieve. Can be one of the following values:


For more information, see Rendering Intents.


Points to a buffer in which the color rendering intent is to be placed. If the pointer is NULL, the function returns the size required for this buffer in *lpcbSize.


Points to a variable specifying the size of the buffer. On return, the variable contains has the number of bytes actually copied to the buffer.

Return value

If this function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. It also returns TRUE if it is called with lpBuffer set to NULL and the size of the required buffer is copied into lpcbSize.

If this function fails, the return value is FALSE. When this occurs, the CMM should call SetLastError to set the last error to a valid error value defined in Winerror.h.


This function is optional for all CMMs.

If a CMM does not support this function, Windows uses the default CMM to get the color rendering intent.

If the tag is not present in the profile indicated by hProfile, the CMM creates it. The resulting rendering intent can be used as the operand for the PostScript Level 2 findcolorrendering operator.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Header icm.h

See also