IIdentityStore::EnumerateIdentities method (identitystore.h)

The EnumerateIdentities method gets a pointer to an IEnumUnknown interface pointer that can be used to enumerate identities across identity providers.


HRESULT EnumerateIdentities(
  [in]           const IDENTITY_TYPE eIdentityType,
  [in, optional] const PROPERTYKEY   *pFilterkey,
  [in, optional] const PROPVARIANT   *pFilterPropVarValue,
  [out]          IEnumUnknown        **ppIdentityEnum


[in] eIdentityType

A value of the IDENTITY_TYPE enumeration that indicates the type of identities to enumerate.

[in, optional] pFilterkey

A pointer to a PROPERTYKEY structure that specifies a property. If the value of this parameter is not NULL, only identities that support the property specified by this parameter are enumerated.

[in, optional] pFilterPropVarValue

A pointer to a PROPVARIANT structure. If the values of this parameter and the pFilterkey parameters are not NULL, only identities that have the property value specified by this parameter are enumerated.

[out] ppIdentityEnum

A pointer to an IEnumUnknown interface pointer that can be used to enumerate identities.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK.

If the method fails, it returns an error code. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header identitystore.h

See also
