IDiscRecorder::GetRecorderProperties method (imapi.h)

Retrieves a pointer to an IPropertyStorage interface.


HRESULT GetRecorderProperties(
  [out] IPropertyStorage **ppPropStg


[out] ppPropStg

Pointer to an IPropertyStorage interface to the property set with all current properties defined.

Return value

S_OK is returned on success, but other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error codes are commonly returned on operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values:


Properties are not retained after IMAPI is closed. A property set format is convenient for IMAPI because it stores an ID/TYPE/VALUE combination, as well as ID/NAME associations. Each combination is a single property, and IMAPI uses these properties for various values that are unique to specific recorders. For example, most recorders would support a WriteSpeed property.

The caller can then modify properties by calling SetRecorderProperties. Current properties include the following:


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi.h
Library Uuid.lib
DLL Actxprxy.dll

See also

