IWriteSpeedDescriptor::get_WriteSpeed method (imapi2.h)

Retrieves the supported write speed for writing to the media.


HRESULT get_WriteSpeed(
  [out] LONG *value


[out] value

Write speed of the current media, measured in sectors per second.

Return value

S_OK is typically returned on success, but the return of other success values is possible. The following error codes are commonly returned on operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values:

Return code Description
Pointer is not valid.

Value: 0x80004003


The write speed is based on the media write speeds. The value of this property can change when a media change occurs.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi2.h

See also
