DFileSystemImageImportEvents::UpdateImport method (imapi2fs.h)

Receives import notification for every file and directory item imported from an optical medium.


HRESULT UpdateImport(
  [in] IDispatch      *object,
  [in] FsiFileSystems fileSystem,
  [in] BSTR           currentItem,
  [in] LONG           importedDirectoryItems,
  [in] LONG           totalDirectoryItems,
  [in] LONG           importedFileItems,
  [in] LONG           totalFileItems


[in] object

Pointer to an IFilesystemImage3 interface of a file system image object to which data is being imported.

[in] fileSystem

Type of the file system currently being imported. For possible values, see the FsiFileSystems enumeration type.

[in] currentItem

A string containing the name of the file or directory being imported at the moment.

[in] importedDirectoryItems

The number of directories imported so far.

[in] totalDirectoryItems

The total number of directories to be imported from the optical medium.

[in] importedFileItems

The number of files imported so far.

[in] totalFileItems

The total number of files to be imported from the optical medium.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Notifications are sent in response to calling one of the following methods for importing a file system.

UpdateImport method receives import notifications from ISO9660, Joliet and UDF file systems. A notification is sent:
  • Once after every individual imported file.
  • Once before every directory import begins.
The totalFileItems parameter of an UpdateImport event is always set to (-1) for ISO9660 and Joliet file systems, because of the difficulty quickly and accurately determining the total number of files in an ISO9660/Joliet file system prior to import.

Import notifications are generated only for files and directories, and not for associated named streams.

If the currentItem is a directory, it contains a back slash '' at the end.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi2fs.h

See also
