BuildIoRingRegisterBuffers function (ioringapi.h)

Registers an array of buffers with the system for future I/O ring operations.


HRESULT BuildIoRingRegisterBuffers(
  HIORING                     ioRing,
  UINT32                      count,
  IORING_BUFFER_INFO const [] buffers,
  UINT_PTR                    userData



An HIORING representing a handle to the I/O ring for which buffers are registered.


A UINT32 specifying the number of buffers provided in the buffers parameter.


An array of IORING_BUFFER_INFO structures representing the buffers to be registered.


A UINT_PTR value identifying the registration operation. Specify this value when cancelling the operation with a call to BuildIoRingCancelRequest. If an app implements cancellation behavior for the operation, the userData value must be unique. Otherwise, the value is treated as opaque by the system and can be anything, including 0.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT including, but not limited to the following:

Value Description
S_OK Success
IORING_E_SUBMISSION_QUEUE_FULL The submission queue is full, and no additional entries are available to build. The application must submit the existing entries and wait for some of them to complete before adding more operations to the queue.
IORING_E_UNKNOWN_REQUIRED_FLAG The application provided a required flag that is not known to the implementation. Library code should check the IoRingVersion field of the IORING_INFO obtained from a call to GetIoRingInfo to determine the API version of an I/O ring which determines the operations and flags that are supported. Applications should know the version they used to create the I/O ring and therefore should not provide unsupported flags at runtime.


This function allows the kernel implementation to perform the validation and internal mapping just once avoiding the overhead on each I/O operation. Subsequent entries in the submission queue may refer to the buffers registered with this function using an integer index into the array. If a previous registration exists, this replaces the previous registration completely. Any entries in the array with an Address of NULL and a Length of 0 are sparse entries, and not used. This allows you to release one or more of the previously registered buffers.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Build 22000
Minimum supported server Windows Build 22000
Header ioringapi.h