ILocationReport::GetValue method (locationapi.h)

[The Win32 Location API is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use the Windows.Devices.Geolocation API. ]

Retrieves a property value from the location report.


  [out] PROPVARIANT    *pValue


[in] pKey

REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the name of the property to retrieve.

[out] pValue

Address of a PROPVARIANT that receives the property value.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The properties may be platform defined or manufacturer defined.

Platform-defined PROPERTYKEY values for location sensors are defined in the location sensor data types section of sensors.h.

The following is a table of some platform-defined properties that are commonly association with location reports. These property keys have a fmtid field equal to SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_LOCATION_GUID. Additional properties can be found in sensors.h. If you are implementing your own location report to pass to SetReport, this table indicates which values must be supplied in your report object's implementation of GetValue.

Property key name and type Description
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_LATITUDE VT_R8 Degrees latitude where North is positive.
Note  A latitude/longitude report object that is passed to SetReport must provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_LONGITUDE VT_R8 Degrees longitude where East is positive.
Note  A latitude/longitude report object that is passed to SetReport must provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ALTITUDE_SEALEVEL_METERS VT_R8 Altitude with respect to sea level, in meters.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ALTITUDE_ELLIPSOID_METERS VT_R8 Altitude with respect to the reference ellipsoid, in meters.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_SPEED_KNOTS VT_R8 Speed measured in knots.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_TRUE_HEADING_DEGREES VT_R8 Heading relative to true north in degrees.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_MAGNETIC_HEADING_DEGREES VT_R8 Heading relative to magnetic north in degrees.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_MAGNETIC_VARIATION VT_R8 Magnetic variation. East is positive.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ERROR_RADIUS_METERS VT_R8 Error radius that indicates accuracy of latitude and longitude in meters.
Note  A latitude/longitude report object that is passed to SetReport must provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ADDRESS1 VT_LPWSTR First line of the address in a civic address report.
Note  If a civic address report object that is passed to SetReport contains this data, it should provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ADDRESS2 VT_LPWSTR Second line of the address in a civic address report.
Note  If a civic address report object that is passed to SetReport contains this data, it should provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_CITY VT_LPWSTR City field in a civic address report.
Note  If a civic address report object that is passed to SetReport contains this data, it should provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_STATE_PROVINCE VT_LPWSTR State/province field in a civic address report.
Note  If a civic address report object that is passed to SetReport contains this data, it should provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_POSTALCODE VT_LPWSTR Postal code field in a civic address report.
Note  If a civic address report object that is passed to SetReport contains this data, it should provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_COUNTRY_REGION VT_LPWSTR Country/region code in a civic address report. The value must be a two-letter or three-letter ISO 3166 country code.
Note  A civic address report object that is passed to SetReport must provide this value in its implementation of GetValue.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ALTITUDE_ELLIPSOID_ERROR_METERS VT_R8 Altitude error with respect to the reference ellipsoid, in meters.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ALTITUDE_SEALEVEL_ERROR_METERS VT_R8 Altitude error with respect to sea level, in meters.

The following is a table of other platform-defined properties that may occur in location reports but are not specific to location. The fmtid field of these property keys is SENSOR_PROPERTY_COMMON_GUID.

Property key name and type Description
SENSOR_PROPERTY_ACCURACY VT_UNKNOWN IPortableDeviceValues object that contains sensor data type names and their associated accuracies. Accuracy values represent possible variation from true values.

Accuracy values are expressed by using the same units as the data field, except when otherwise documented.

SENSOR_PROPERTY_CHANGE_SENSITIVITY VT_UNKNOWN IPortableDeviceValues object that contains sensor data type names and their associated change sensitivity values. Change sensitivity values represent the amount by which the data field must change before the SENSOR_EVENT_DATA_UPDATED event is raised.

Sensitivity values are expressed by using the same units as the data field, except where otherwise documented.

For example, a change sensitivity value of 2 for SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS would represent a sensitivity of plus or minus 2 degrees Celsius.

SENSOR_PROPERTY_CURRENT_CONNECTION_TYPE VT_UI4 SensorConnectionType value that contains the current connection type.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_CURRENT_REPORT_INTERVAL VT_UI4 The current elapsed time for sensor data report generation, in milliseconds.

Setting a value of zero signals the driver to use its default report interval. After receiving a value of zero for this property, a driver must return its default report interval, not zero, when queried.

Applications can set this value to request a particular report interval, but multiple applications might be using the same driver. Therefore, drivers determine the true report interval that is based on internal logic. For example, the driver might always use the shortest report interval that is requested by the caller.

SENSOR_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION VT_LPWSTR The sensor description string.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_DEVICE_PATH VT_LPWSTR Uniquely identifies the device instance with which the sensor is associated. You can use this property to determine whether a device contains multiple sensors.

Device drivers do not have to support this property because the platform provides this value to applications without querying drivers.

SENSOR_PROPERTY_FRIENDLY_NAME VT_LPWSTR The friendly name for the device.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY VT_UI4 An enumerated value that indicates the type of accuracy handling requested by a client application.LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY_DEFAULT (0) indicates that the sensor should use the accuracy for which it can optimize power use and other cost considerations.

LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY_HIGH (1) indicates that the sensor should deliver the most accurate report possible. This includes using services that might charge money, or consuming higher levels of battery power or connection bandwidth.

SENSOR_PROPERTY_MIN_REPORT_INTERVAL VT_UI4 The minimum elapsed time setting that the hardware supports for sensor data report generation, in milliseconds.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UNIQUE_ID VT_CLSID A GUID that identifies the sensor. This value must be unique for each sensor on a device, or across devices of the same model as enumerated on the computer.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_RANGE_MAXIMUM VT_UKNOWN IPortableDeviceValues object that contains sensor data field names and their associated maximum values.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_RANGE_MINIMUM VT_UKNOWN IPortableDeviceValues object that contains sensor data field names and their associated minimum values.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_RESOLUTION VT_UKNOWN IPortableDeviceValues object that contains sensor data field names and their associated resolutions. Resolution values represent sensitivity to change in the data field.

Resolution values are expressed by using the same units as the data field, except when otherwise documented.

SENSOR_PROPERTY_STATE VT_UI4 SensorState value that contains the current sensor state.
SENSOR_PROPERTY_TYPE VT_CLSID A GUID that identifies the sensor type. Platform-defined sensor types are defined in Sensors.h.


The following example demonstrates how to call GetValue to get a property value. You must include sensors.h to use the constant in the example.


The following example shows how to implement GetValue in your own report object. This implementation allows the caller to get values for several location report fields. This code requires you to include sensors.h and provarutil.h.

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    if (pKey.fmtid == SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_LOCATION_GUID) 
        // properties for civic address reports
        if ( ==
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(m_address1, pValue);
        else if ( ==
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(m_address2, pValue);
        else if ( ==
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(m_city, pValue);
        else if ( ==
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(m_stateprovince, pValue);
        else if ( ==
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(m_postalcode, pValue);
        else if ( ==    
            hr = InitPropVariantFromString(m_countryregion, pValue);
        // properties for latitude/longitude reports
        else if ( ==
            hr = InitPropVariantFromDouble(m_latitude, pValue);
        else if ( ==
            hr = InitPropVariantFromDouble(m_longitude, pValue);
        else if ( ==    
            hr = InitPropVariantFromDouble(m_errorradius, pValue);
            hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_DATA);
    return hr;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only],Windows 7
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header locationapi.h
DLL LocationAPI.dll

See also
