IMFVideoMediaType::GetVideoFormat method (mfobjects.h)

[GetVideoFormat is no longer available for use as of Windows 7. Instead, use the media type attributes to get the properties of the video format.]

Returns a pointer to an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure that describes the video format.


const MFVIDEOFORMAT * GetVideoFormat();

Return value

This method returns a pointer to an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure.


If you need to convert the media type into an MFVIDEOFORMAT structure, call MFCreateMFVideoFormatFromMFMediaType.

There are no guarantees about how long the returned pointer is valid.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mfobjects.h (include Mfidl.h)
Library Mfuuid.lib

See also


Media Types