IRequiredExtensions::GetNextExtension method (mmc.h)

The IRequiredExtensions::GetNextExtension method enables the snap-in to specify the next extension snap-in in its list of required extension snap-ins.


HRESULT GetNextExtension(


[out] pExtCLSID

A pointer to the CLSID of the next snap-in in the list of required extension snap-ins.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.


MMC calls the method for the first time if IRequiredExtensions::GetFirstExtension returns an S_OK value. MMC iterates the list of required extensions to add by calling IRequiredExtensions::GetNextExtension until it returns a value other than S_OK.

If this method returns S_OK, MMC adds the extension snap-in specified by pExtCLSID and then calls IRequiredExtensions::GetNextExtension again to get the next extension snap-in in the list.

If another value is returned, MMC considers the return an indicator of the end of the list. In this case, MMC does not add the extension snap-in specified by pExtCLSID and stops calling IRequiredExtensions::GetNextExtension.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header mmc.h

See also

