MprAdminMIBEntryGet function (mprapi.h)

The MprAdminMIBEntryGet function retrieves the value of one of the variables exported by a routing protocol or router manager.


DWORD MprAdminMIBEntryGet(
  [in]  MIB_SERVER_HANDLE hMibServer,
  [in]  DWORD             dwProtocolId,
  [in]  DWORD             dwRoutingPid,
  [in]  LPVOID            lpInEntry,
  [in]  DWORD             dwInEntrySize,
  [out] LPVOID            *lplpOutEntry,
  [out] LPDWORD           lpOutEntrySize


[in] hMibServer

Handle to the router on which to execute this call. Obtain this handle by calling MprAdminMIBServerConnect.

[in] dwProtocolId

Specifies the router manager that exported the variable.

[in] dwRoutingPid

Specifies the routing protocol that exported the variable.

[in] lpInEntry

Pointer to an opaque data structure. The data structure's format is determined by the module servicing the call. The data structure should contain information that specifies the variable being queried.

[in] dwInEntrySize

Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data structure pointed to by lpInEntry.

[out] lplpOutEntry

Pointer to a pointer variable. On successful return, this pointer variable points to an opaque data structure. The data structure's format is determined by the module servicing the call. The data structure receives the value of the variable that was queried. Free this memory by calling MprAdminMIBBufferFree.

[out] lpOutEntrySize

Pointer to a DWORD variable that, on successful return, receives the size in bytes of the data structure returned through the lplpOutEntry parameter.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the following values.

Value Description
The caller does not have sufficient privileges.
The dwRoutingPid variable does not match any installed routing protocol.
The dwTransportId value does not match any installed router manager.
Insufficient resources to complete the operation.


Do not pass in NULL for the lpInEntry parameter because the resulting behavior is undefined.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mprapi.h
Library Mprapi.lib
DLL Mprapi.dll

See also

MIB Structures






Obtaining the MIB II Interfaces Table

Protocol Identifiers

Router Management MIB Functions

Router Management MIB Reference

Transport Identifiers