MprAdminServerSetInfo function (mprapi.h)

The MprAdminServerSetInfo function is used to set the number of ports for L2TP, PPTP, and SSTP devices when the RRAS service is running.


DWORD MprAdminServerSetInfo(
  [in] MPR_SERVER_HANDLE hMprServer,
  [in] DWORD             dwLevel,
  [in] LPBYTE            lpbBuffer


[in] hMprServer

Handle to the router to query. Obtain this handle by calling MprAdminServerConnect.

[in] dwLevel

A DWORD value that describes the format in which the information is structured in the lpbBuffer parameter. Acceptable values for dwLevel include 1 and 2 as listed in the following table.

Value Structure Format
1 Windows Server 2003 or later: MPR_SERVER_1
2 Windows Server 2008 or later: MPR_SERVER_2

[in] lpbBuffer

A pointer to a MPR_SERVER_1
or MPR_SERVER_2 structure. The dwLevel parameter indicates the type of structure.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning
The calling application does not have sufficient privileges.
A system reboot is required for such a change to take affect. Change the port count using the MprConfigServerSetInfo call and reboot.
If you try to set the number of ports to more than the system supported limits as defined on the MPR_SERVER_1 and MPR_SERVER_2 topics.

Returns this error if you try to set the number of PPTP ports to 0.

Returns this error if the flags are not valid or if lpbBuffer or hMprServer is NULL.

RRAS service is not running on this server.
The value of dwLevel is not valid.
hMprServer handle is invalid.
Use FormatMessage to retrieve the system error message that corresponds to the error code returned.


This function is used to set the port count for L2TP, PPTP, and SSTP ports and enable or disable RRAS when the service is running. These values are persistent, meaning that you do not have to follow this call with a call to MprConfigServerSetInfo. Note that this function is asynchronous, so you might not see the affect of the changes immediately.


The topic Setting L2TP and PPTP ports of a local RRAS service shows this function in use.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mprapi.h
Library Mprapi.lib
DLL Mprapi.dll

See also






Router Administration Functions

Router Management Reference