ITfClientId::GetClientId method (msctf.h)

Obtains a client identifier for a CLSID.


HRESULT GetClientId(
  [in]  REFCLSID   rclsid,
  [out] TfClientId *ptid


[in] rclsid

CLSID to obtain the client identifier for.

[out] ptid

Pointer to a TfClientId value that receives the client identifier.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Value Description
The method was successful.


An application obtains its client identifier by calling ITfThreadMgr::Activate and a text service receives its client identifier in its ITfTextInputProcessor::Activate method. ITfClientId::GetClientId enables TSF objects that do not fit either of these categories to obtain their own client identifier.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header msctf.h
DLL Msctf.dll
Redistributable TSF 1.0 on Windows 2000 Professional

See also

ITfClientId interface, ITfTextInputProcessor::Activate, ITfThreadMgr::Activate, TfClientId