InkApplicationGesture enumeration (msinkaut.h)

Defines values that set the interest in a set of application-specific gesture.

Application gestures are gestures that you can choose to have your application support. Applications that are specifically designed to work with a pen are more likely to use these gestures than applications designed for mouse and keyboard.

The Tap and DoubleTap gestures are supported as application gestures and system gestures (system gestures are defined in the InkSystemGesture enumeration type). This means you can incorporate an application gesture that has a component that may be construed as a Tap or DoubleTap (such as the Exclamation gesture). In this case, enable the Tap application gesture and disable the Tap system gesture in your application. When a user taps, the application gesture is recognized. This allows your application to listen for a single component that can both identify and distinguish a system gesture Tap from a Tap within the application gesture.

In addition to the following list of gestures, Microsoft intends to support many gesture glyphs as part of the Microsoft gesture recognizer. For more information about these unimplemented gesture glyphs, see Unimplemented Glyphs.

For more information about application gestures and system gestures, see Using Gestures and Pen Input, Ink, and Recognition.


typedef enum InkApplicationGesture {
  IAG_AllGestures = 0,
  IAG_NoGesture = 0xf000,
  IAG_Scratchout = 0xf001,
  IAG_Triangle = 0xf002,
  IAG_Square = 0xf003,
  IAG_Star = 0xf004,
  IAG_Check = 0xf005,
  IAG_Curlicue = 0xf010,
  IAG_DoubleCurlicue = 0xf011,
  IAG_Circle = 0xf020,
  IAG_DoubleCircle = 0xf021,
  IAG_SemiCircleLeft = 0xf028,
  IAG_SemiCircleRight = 0xf029,
  IAG_ChevronUp = 0xf030,
  IAG_ChevronDown = 0xf031,
  IAG_ChevronLeft = 0xf032,
  IAG_ChevronRight = 0xf033,
  IAG_ArrowUp = 0xf038,
  IAG_ArrowDown = 0xf039,
  IAG_ArrowLeft = 0xf03a,
  IAG_ArrowRight = 0xf03b,
  IAG_Up = 0xf058,
  IAG_Down = 0xf059,
  IAG_Left = 0xf05a,
  IAG_Right = 0xf05b,
  IAG_UpDown = 0xf060,
  IAG_DownUp = 0xf061,
  IAG_LeftRight = 0xf062,
  IAG_RightLeft = 0xf063,
  IAG_UpLeftLong = 0xf064,
  IAG_UpRightLong = 0xf065,
  IAG_DownLeftLong = 0xf066,
  IAG_DownRightLong = 0xf067,
  IAG_UpLeft = 0xf068,
  IAG_UpRight = 0xf069,
  IAG_DownLeft = 0xf06a,
  IAG_DownRight = 0xf06b,
  IAG_LeftUp = 0xf06c,
  IAG_LeftDown = 0xf06d,
  IAG_RightUp = 0xf06e,
  IAG_RightDown = 0xf06f,
  IAG_Exclamation = 0xf0a4,
  IAG_Tap = 0xf0f0,
  IAG_DoubleTap = 0xf0f1
} ;


Value: 0
All application-specific gestures.
Value: 0xf000
No application-specific gestures. See the following "Remarks" section for more details on this member.

This is the default value.
Value: 0xf001
This gesture must be drawn as a single stroke that has at least three back-and-forth motions.
Value: 0xf002
The triangle must be drawn in a single stroke, without lifting the pen.
Value: 0xf003
The square can be drawn in one or two strokes. In one stroke, draw the entire square without lifting the pen. In two strokes, draw three sides of the square and use another stroke to draw the remaining side. Do not use more than two strokes to draw the square.
Value: 0xf004
The star must have exactly five points and be drawn in a single stroke without lifting the pen.
Value: 0xf005
The upward stroke must be twice as long as the smaller downward stroke.
Value: 0xf010
Start the curlicue on the ink on which you intend to take action.
Value: 0xf011
Start the double-curlicue on the ink on which you intend to take action.
Value: 0xf020
The circle must be drawn in a single stroke without lifting the pen.
Value: 0xf021
The two circles must overlap each other and be drawn in a single stroke without lifting the pen.
Value: 0xf028
The semicircle must be drawn from left to right. Horizontally, the two ends of the semicircle should be as even as possible.
Value: 0xf029
The semicircle must be drawn from right to left. Horizontally, the two ends of the semicircle should be as even as possible.
Value: 0xf030
Both sides of the chevron must be drawn as equal as possible. The angle must be sharp and end in a point.
Value: 0xf031
Both sides of the chevron must be drawn as equal as possible. The angle must be sharp and end in a point.
Value: 0xf032
Both sides of the chevron must be drawn as equal as possible. The angle must be sharp and end in a point.
Value: 0xf033
Both sides of the chevron must be drawn as equal as possible. The angle must be sharp and end in a point.
Value: 0xf038
The arrow can be drawn in single stroke or in two strokes in which one stroke is the line and the other is the arrow head. Do not use more than two strokes to draw the arrow.
Value: 0xf039
The arrow can be drawn in a single stroke or in two strokes in which one stroke is the line and the other is the arrow head. Do not use more than two strokes to draw the arrow.
Value: 0xf03a
The arrow can be drawn in a single stroke or in two strokes in which one stroke is the line and the other is the arrow head. Do not use more than two strokes to draw the arrow.
Value: 0xf03b
The arrow can be drawn in a single stroke or in two strokes in which one stroke is the line and the other is the arrow head. Do not use more than two strokes to draw the arrow.
Value: 0xf058
This gesture must be drawn as a single fast flick in the upward direction.

This gesture is used by Flicks Gestures.
Value: 0xf059
This gesture must be drawn as a single fast flick in the downward direction.

This gesture is used by Flicks Gestures.
Value: 0xf05a
This gesture must be drawn as a single fast flick to the left.

This gesture is used by Flicks Gestures.
Value: 0xf05b
This gesture must be drawn as a single fast flick to the right.

This gesture is used by Flicks Gestures.
Value: 0xf060
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the up stroke. The two strokes must be as close to each other as possible.
Value: 0xf061
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the down stroke. The two strokes must be as close to each other as possible.
Value: 0xf062
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the left stroke. The two strokes must be as close to each other as possible.
Value: 0xf063
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the right stroke. The two strokes must be as close to each other as possible.
Value: 0xf064
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the up stroke. The left stroke must be about twice as long as the up stroke, and the two strokes must be at a right angle.
Value: 0xf065
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the up stroke. The right stroke must be about twice as long as the up stroke, and the two strokes must be at a right angle.
Value: 0xf066
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the down stroke. The left stroke is about twice as long as the up stroke, and the two strokes must be at a right angle.
Value: 0xf067
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the down stroke. The right stroke must be about twice as long as the up stroke, and the two strokes must be at a right angle.
Value: 0xf068
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the up stroke. The two sides must be as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf069
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the up stroke. The two sides must be as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf06a
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the down stroke. The two sides must be as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf06b
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the down stroke. The two sides must be as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf06c
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the left stroke. The two sides must be as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf06d
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the left stroke. The two sides are as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf06e
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the right stroke. The two sides must be as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf06f
This gesture must be drawn in a single stroke starting with the right stroke. The two sides must be as equal in length as possible and at a right angle.
Value: 0xf0a4
The line must be drawn first and then the dot drawn quickly and as close to the line as possible.
Value: 0xf0f0
A mouse click.

For the least amount of slipping across the digitizer surface, tap quickly.
Value: 0xf0f1
A mouse double-click.

Tap quickly and in as close to the same place for best results.


The default value is NoGesture, which is actually a cutoff line that represents the Microsoft gesture recognizer minimum suggested confidence. It does not actually represent a gesture or lack of gesture, just the point at which the gesture recognizer lacks enough confidence in the result accuracy to recommend anything following that point.

For example, assume that a gesture array consists of the following values: Circle, LeftRight, NoGesture, RightLeft, and Triangle. In this case, the gesture recognizer has a great degree of confidence in Circle and less confidence in LeftRight. The recognizer has very low confidence in RightLeft and Triangle because they come after NoGesture in the array order.

The confidence level at which the gesture recognizer returns NoGesture cannot be changed.

If NoGesture is the first element in the array (which means that every recognized gesture is below the suggested confidence threshold), then the platform alters the default value of the Cancel parameter in the Gesture event handler from FALSE to TRUE. This causes the ink to be considered a stroke and not be deleted from the InkDisp object by default.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Header msinkaut.h

See also

CollectionMode Property [InkPicture Class]

Gesture Event [InkPicture Control]

GetGestureStatus Method [InkPicture Control]

GetHotPoint Method

InkSystemGesture Enumeration

Integrating Application Gestures

SetGestureStatus Method [InkPicture Control]

SystemGesture Event [InkPicture Class]

Using Gestures