IInkGesture::get_Confidence method (msinkaut.h)

Gets the level of confidence (strong, intermediate, or poor) that a recognizer has in the recognition of an IInkRecognitionAlternate object or a gesture.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_Confidence(
  InkRecognitionConfidence *Confidence



Return value



For a list of confidence values that may be returned, see the InkRecognitionConfidence enumeration type.

Note  Confidence evaluation is available for all gesture recognizers in the current release of Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.

IInkRecognitionAlternate object:

If the alternate represents a phrase or sentence, the value represents the lowest confidence level of a recognition segment found in the phrase or sentence. However, if the alternate represents a word, the value represents the confidence level of the word.

Note  This property throws an exception if the IInkRecognizer that generates the IInkRecognitionAlternate does not support confidence levels.
Of the Microsoft recognizers, only the Microsoft English (US) Handwriting Recognizer and the Microsoft Gesture Recognizer support confidence levels. Third party recognizers may or may not support confidence levels.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h
Library InkObj.dll

See also

IInkGesture Interface

IInkRecognition Alternate

InkRecognitionConfidence Enumeration