IInkRecognitionAlternate::get_Descender method (msinkaut.h)

Gets the descender line for an IInkRecognitionAlternate object that represents a single line of text.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_Descender(
  VARIANT *Descender



Return value



For western languages, the descender corresponds to the portion of a lowercase letter that falls below the baseline, such as the vertical line of a "p" that extends below the lowest point of the circle in that letter. The descender line is the imaginary horizontal line across the bottom of the descenders.


If the recognition alternate spans more than one recognition segment within a line of text, then this property returns a line parallel to the baseline for the alternate. The distance of the descender line below the baseline is determined by the corresponding distance within the first segment.

You can use the AlternatesWithConstantPropertyValues method with the propertyType parameter set to the Segmentation recognition property globally unique identifier (GUID) to get a collection of one segment recognition alternates that correspond to a segmentation of your original alternate.

Note  If the recognition alternate spans more than one line, this property generates an E_FAIL error. You can use the LineAlternates property to get a collection of one line recognition alternates that corresponds to a multiple line recognition alternate.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h
Library InkObj.dll

See also

AlternatesWithConstantPropertyValues Method

Ascender Property

Baseline Property

IInkRecognition Alternate Interface

LineAlternates Property

Midline Property [IInkRecognitionAlternate Interface]