IInkRecognizerContext::putref_Guide method (msinkaut.h)

Gets or sets the InkRecognizerGuide to use for ink input.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT putref_Guide(
  IInkRecognizerGuide *RecognizerGuide



Return value



Setting the Guide property succeeds only if the InkStrokes collection is NULL. You must set the Guide property before you attach the InkStrokes collection to the InkRecognizerContext or you must set the InkStrokes collection to NULL and then set the Guide (and possible reattach the InkStrokes collection).

The InkRecognizerCapabilities enumeration contains the IRC_FreeInput, IRC_LinedInput, and IRC_BoxedInput flags. These flags specify the capabilities of a recognizer, but because they are read only, there is no way to set any of these directly on a IInkRecognizer or InkRecognizerContext object. The only way to put a recognizer into a specific mode is to set the guide using the Guide property. If you do not set the Guide property, the recognizer defaults to FreeInput mode (if the recognizer is capable of this). Another way to set the recognizer into FreeInput mode is to set the Guide property to a InkRecognizerGuide object that has its Columns property set to zero and its Rows property set to zero.

If you set the Guide property to a InkRecognizerGuide object that has its Columns property set to zero and its Rows property set to 1 or more, the recognizer is in IRC_LinedInput mode (if the recognizer is capable of this). The recognizer uses the Rows property to control the number of lines.

If you set the Guide property to a InkRecognizerGuide object that has its Rows property set to zero and its Columns property set to 1 or more, the recognizer is in IRC_LinedInput mode (if the recognizer is capable of this) for vertical writing. The recognizer uses the Columns property to control the number of vertical lines. If the recognizer is capable of this, the IInkRecognizer object's Capabilities property returns either IRC_DownAndLeft or IRC_DownAndRight, or both.

If you set the Guide property to a InkRecognizerGuide object that has its Columns property set to 1 or more and its Rows property set to 1 or more, the recognizer is in IRC_BoxedInput mode (if the recognizer is capable of this).

If you set the mode to one that is not available from this recognizer, an error is returned.

For information about how to query which capabilities, or modes, are available from a specific recognizer, see the Capabilities property of the IInkRecognizer object. In general, recognizers of Latin script support free input and horizontal lined input, recognizers of East Asian characters support free input and boxed input, and the gesture recognizer only supports free input.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h
Library InkObj.dll

See also

Capabilities Property

Columns Property

IInkRecognizer Interface


InkRecognizerCapabilities Enumeration

InkRecognizerContext Class

InkRecognizerGuide Class

InkStrokes Collection

Rows Property