IInkStrokeDisp::SetPacketValuesByProperty method (msinkaut.h)

Modifies the packet values for a particular property.


HRESULT SetPacketValuesByProperty(
  [in]           BSTR    bstrPropertyName,
  [in]           VARIANT PacketValues,
  [in, optional] long    Index,
  [in, optional] long    Count,
  [out, retval]  long    *NumberOfPacketsSet


[in] bstrPropertyName

The globally unique identifier (GUID) identifier from the PacketProperty constants that is used to select which packet data is set. Use PacketDescription to determine the defined properties for this stroke.

[in] PacketValues

The array of packet data values. The method fails if any of the values in the array are outside the minimum or maximum value of the property. To determine the range of values in the property, call the GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics method.

[in, optional] Index

Optional. The starting index of the packet to be modified. The default value ISC_FirstElement, defined in the ItemSelectionConstants enumeration type, specifies the first packet.

[in, optional] Count

Optional. Specifies the number of packets in the stroke to modify and the number of values in PacketValues. The default value ISC_AllElements, defined in the ItemSelectionConstants enumeration type, specifies that all packets are modified.

[out, retval] NumberOfPacketsSet

When this method returns, contains the actual number of packets set.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
A parameter contained an invalid pointer.
Invalid GUID format.
Invalid variant, index (out of range), or property GUID.
An exception occurred inside method.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h
Library InkObj.dll

See also

GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics Method

IInkStrokeDisp Interface

ItemSelectionConstants Enumeration

PacketPropertyGuids Constants