IMDSPObject::Seek method (mswmdm.h)

The Seek method sets the current position within the object. This operation is valid only if the storage object represents a file.


  [in] UINT  fuFlags,
  [in] DWORD dwOffset


[in] fuFlags

Mode in which the file must be opened. It must be one of the values in the following table.

Value Description
MDSP_SEEK_BOF Seek dwOffset bytes forward from the beginning of the file.
MDSP_SEEK_CUR Seek dwOffset bytes forward from the current position.
MDSP_SEEK_EOF Seek dwOffset bytes backward from the end of the file.

[in] dwOffset

DWORD containing the number of bytes to seek.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. All the interface methods in Windows Media Device Manager can return any of the following classes of error codes:

  • Standard COM error codes
  • Windows error codes converted to HRESULT values
  • Windows Media Device Manager error codes
For an extensive list of possible error codes, see Error Codes.


This method is optional. For more information, see Mandatory and Optional Interfaces.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header mswmdm.h
Library Mssachlp.lib

See also

IMDSPObject Interface

