NapComponentRegistrationInfo structure (naptypes.h)

Note  The Network Access Protection platform is not available starting with Windows 10
The NapComponentRegistrationInfo structure defines a registered NAP component such as a SHA, SHV, or enforcement client.


typedef struct tagNapComponentRegistrationInfo {
  NapComponentId id;
  CountedString  friendlyName;
  CountedString  description;
  CountedString  version;
  CountedString  vendorName;
  CLSID          infoClsid;
  CLSID          configClsid;
  FILETIME       registrationDate;
  UINT32         componentType;
} NapComponentRegistrationInfo;



A NapComponentId value that contains the unique identifier of the component.


A CountedString structure that contains the friendly (human-readable) name of the component.


A CountedString structure that contains a description of the component.


A CountedString structure that contains the version of the component.


A CountedString structure that contains the vendor name for the component.


The CLSID of the COM object that implements the INapComponentInfo interface. This interface is used to retrieve more detailed and localized information about the NAP component.

Currently, enforcement clients do not need to provide a valid infoClsid.


The CLSID of the COM object that implements the INapComponentConfig interface. This interface is used to launch a customized user interface and to get and set SHV configuration settings.

Currently, SHAs and enforcement clients do not need to provide a valid configClsid.


A FILETIME structure that contains the registration information date.


A value that defines the component type.

For enforcement clients this value should be either ComponentTypeEnforcementClientSoH or ComponentTypeEnforcementClientRp.

Currently, componentType is ignored for SHAs and SHVs and should be set to 0x00000000.


This registration information is not localized, it is provided in US-English only.

When NAP components are registered through the registration APIs, the registrationDate field is ignored.

When information about registered NAP components is retrieved, if there is no valid infoClsid, configClsid, or registrationDate, they are set to 0.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header naptypes.h

See also



NAP Reference

NAP Structures