ndfapi.h header
This header is used by Network Diagnostics Framework. For more information, see:
ndfapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
NdfCancelIncident Used to cancel unneeded functions which have been previously called on an existing incident. |
NdfCloseIncident Used to close an Network Diagnostics Framework (NDF) incident following its resolution. |
NdfCreateConnectivityIncident Diagnoses generic Internet connectivity problems. |
NdfCreateDNSIncident Diagnoses name resolution issues in resolving a specific host name. |
NdfCreateGroupingIncident Creates a session to diagnose peer-to-peer grouping functionality issues. |
NdfCreateInboundIncident Creates a session to diagnose inbound connectivity for a specific application or service. |
NdfCreateIncident To test the NDF functionality incorporated into their application. |
NdfCreateNetConnectionIncident Diagnoses connectivity issues using the NetConnection helper class. |
NdfCreatePnrpIncident Creates a session to diagnose issues with the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) service. |
NdfCreateSharingIncident Diagnoses network problems in accessing a specific network share. |
NdfCreateWebIncident Diagnoses web connectivity problems. (NdfCreateWebIncident) |
NdfCreateWebIncidentEx Diagnoses web connectivity problems. (NdfCreateWebIncidentEx) |
NdfCreateWinSockIncident Provides access to the Winsock Helper Class provided by Microsoft. |
NdfDiagnoseIncident Diagnoses the root cause of an incident without displaying a user interface. |
NdfExecuteDiagnosis The NdfExecuteDiagnosis function is used to diagnose the root cause of the incident that has occurred. |
NdfGetTraceFile Used to retrieve the path containing an Event Trace Log (ETL) file that contains Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) events from a diagnostic session. |
NdfRepairIncident Repairs an incident without displaying a user interface. |