NVME_SCSI_NAME_STRING structure (nvme.h)

Contains information that is used to construct the SCSI name string identifier.

The SCSI name string identifier is used for the descriptor in NVMe to SCSI translation for NVMe devices compliant with revision 1.0.


typedef struct {
  CHAR PCIVendorID[4];
  CHAR ModelNumber[40];
  CHAR NamespaceID[4];
  CHAR SerialNumber[20];



The company vendor identifier that is assigned by the Peripheral Component Interconnect - Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG).

This value is also in the VID field of the NVME_IDENTIFY_CONTROLLER_DATA data structure.


The model number for the NVM subsystem that is assigned by the vendor as an ASCII string.

This value is also in the MN field of the NVME_IDENTIFY_CONTROLLER_DATA data structure.


The namespace identifier.

This value is also in the NSID field of the NVME_COMMAND structure.


The serial number for the NVM subsystem that is assigned by the vendor as an ASCII string.

This value is also in the SN field of the NVME_IDENTIFY_CONTROLLER_DATA data structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Header nvme.h

See also