IOleObject::SetClientSite method (oleidl.h)

Informs an embedded object of its display location, called a "client site," within its container.


HRESULT SetClientSite(
  [in] IOleClientSite *pClientSite


[in] pClientSite

Pointer to the IOleClientSite interface on the container application's client-site.

Return value

This method returns S_OK on success. Other possible return values include the following.

Return code Description
An unexpected error occurred.


Within a compound document, each embedded object has its own client site - the place where it is displayed and through which it receives information about its storage, user interface, and other resources. IOleObject::SetClientSite is the only method enabling an embedded object to obtain a pointer to its client site.

Notes to Callers

A container can notify an object of its client site either at the time the object is created or, subsequently, when the object is initialized.

When creating or loading an object, a container may pass a client-site pointer (along with other arguments) to one of the following helper functions: OleCreate, OleCreateFromFile, OleCreateFromData or OleLoad. These helper functions load an object handler for the new object and call IOleObject::SetClientSite on the container's behalf before returning a pointer to the new object.

Passing a client-site pointer informs the object handler that the client site is ready to process requests. If the client site is unlikely to be ready immediately after the handler is loaded, you may want your container to pass a NULL client-site pointer to the helper function. The NULL pointer says that no client site is available and thereby defers notifying the object handler of the client site until the object is initialized. In response, the helper function returns a pointer to the object, but upon receiving that pointer the container must call IOleObject::SetClientSite as part of initializing the new object.

Notes to Implementers

Implementation consists simply of incrementing the reference count on, and storing, the pointer to the client site.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header oleidl.h

See also






