OPMGetVideoOutputsFromIDirect3DDevice9Object function (opmapi.h)

Creates an Output Protection Manager (OPM) object for each physical monitor that is associated with a particular Direct3D device.


HRESULT OPMGetVideoOutputsFromIDirect3DDevice9Object(
  [in]  IDirect3DDevice9           *pDirect3DDevice9,
  [out] ULONG                      *pulNumVideoOutputs,
  [out] IOPMVideoOutput            ***pppOPMVideoOutputArray


[in] pDirect3DDevice9

Pointer to the IDirect3DDevice9 interface of a Direct3D device.

[in] vos

A member of the OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS enumeration.

Value Meaning
The returned IOPMVideoOutput pointers will use OPM semantics.
The returned IOPMVideoOutput pointers will use Certified Output Protection Protocol (COPP) semantics.

[out] pulNumVideoOutputs

Receives the number of IOPMVideoOutput pointers returned in the pppOPMVideoOutputArray parameter.

[out] pppOPMVideoOutputArray

Receives a pointer to an array of IOPMVideoOutput pointers. Each IOPMVideoOutput pointer is associated with a single physical monitor. The caller must release each pointer in the array, and call CoTaskMemFree to free the array.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


A single Direct3D device can be associated with several physical monitors. Each physical monitor has its own connector. The application must set the protection mechanism individually for each physical monitor, by using the IOPMVideoOutput pointers returned in pppOPMVideoOutputArray.

The IOPMVideoOutput interface has two modes of behavior, depending on the value of the vos parameter. If vos is OPM_VOS_COPP_SEMANTICS, IOPMVideoOutput uses COPP semantics. This mode is intended for backward compatibility with COPP. If vos is OPM_VOS_OPM_SEMANTICS, IOPMVideoOutput uses the newer OPM semantics. Differences in behavior are noted on the reference page for each method. The mode does not change during the lifetime of the object.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header opmapi.h
Library Dxva2.lib
DLL Dxva2.dll

See also

OPM Functions