ITextInputPanel::get_CurrentInPlaceState method (peninputpanel.h)

[ITextInputPanel is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use IInputPanelConfiguration.


Gets the current in-place state as specified by the InPlaceState Enumeration.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_CurrentInPlaceState(
  InPlaceState *State



Return value



When the Tablet PC Input Panel is closed or hidden, the current in-place state is reset to the default state, unless the default state is Auto, in which case, the current in-place state is reset to Hover.


This C++ example implements an EN_SETFOCUS event handler for an Edit control, IDC_EDIT3. It first checks if an ITextInputPanel object, g_pTip, has been created. If it exists, it reports the values of several ITextInputPanel Interface properties to debug output using the TRACE macro.

void CCOMTIPDlg::OnEnSetFocusEdit3()
    if (NULL != g_pTip)
		CorrectionMode mode;

		if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->get_CurrentCorrectionMode(&mode)))
			TRACE("CurrentCorrectionMode: %d\n", mode);

		InPlaceState state;

		if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->get_CurrentInPlaceState(&state)))
			TRACE("CurrentInPlaceState: %d\n", state);

		PanelInputArea area;

		if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->get_CurrentInputArea(&area)))
			TRACE("CurrentInputArea: %d\n", area);

		InteractionMode iMode;

		if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->get_CurrentInteractionMode(&iMode)))
			TRACE("CurrentInteractionMode: %d\n", iMode);

        RECT rect;

		if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->get_InPlaceBoundingRectangle(&rect)))
	        TRACE(" %d\n",;
	        TRACE("InPlaceBoundingRectangle.left: %d\n", rect.left);
	        TRACE("InPlaceBoundingRectangle.bottom: %d\n", rect.bottom);
	        TRACE("InPlaceBoundingRectangle.right: %d\n", rect.right);

	    int nHeight;

		if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->get_PopDownCorrectionHeight(&nHeight)))
	        TRACE("PopDownCorrectionHeight: %d\n", nHeight);

	    if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->get_PopUpCorrectionHeight(&nHeight)))
	        TRACE("PopUpCorrectionHeight: %d\n", nHeight);

		if (SUCCEEDED(g_pTip->SetInPlacePosition(300, 300, CorrectionPosition_Bottom)))
			TRACE("Call to SetInPlacePosition() succeeded.\n");
			TRACE("Call to SetInPlacePosition() failed.\n");
        TRACE("ITextInputPanel object is NULL.\n");


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header peninputpanel.h
DLL Tiptsf.dll

See also

ITextInputPanel Interface