IPortableDeviceCapabilities::GetFixedPropertyAttributes method (portabledeviceapi.h)

The GetFixedPropertyAttributes method retrieves the standard property attributes for a specified property and format. Standard attributes are those that have the same value for all objects of the same format. For example, one device might not allow users to modify video file names; this device would return WPD_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_WRITE with a value of False for WMV formatted objects. Attributes that can have different values for a format, or optional attributes, are not returned.


HRESULT GetFixedPropertyAttributes(
  [in]  REFGUID               Format,
  [in]  REFPROPERTYKEY        Key,
  [out] IPortableDeviceValues **ppAttributes


[in] Format

A REFGUID that specifies the format of the objects of interest. For format GUID values, see Object Formats.

[in] Key

A REFPROPERTYKEY that specifies the property that you want to know the attributes of. Properties defined by Windows Portable Devices are listed in Properties and Attributes.

[out] ppAttributes

Address of a variable that receives a pointer to an IPortableDeviceValues interface that holds the attributes and their values. The caller must release this interface when it is done with it.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.


You can specify WPD_OBJECT_FORMAT_ALL for the Format parameter to retrieve the complete set of property attributes.

Attributes describe properties. Example attributes are WPD_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_READ and WPD_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_WRITE. This method does not retrieve resource attributes.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header portabledeviceapi.h
Library PortableDeviceGUIDs.lib

See also

IPortableDeviceCapabilities Interface
