PRJ_GET_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATION_CB callback function (projectedfslib.h)

Requests directory enumeration information from the provider.



HRESULT PrjGetDirectoryEnumerationCb(
  [in]           const PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA *callbackData,
  [in]           const GUID *enumerationId,
  [in, optional] PCWSTR searchExpression,
  [in]           PRJ_DIR_ENTRY_BUFFER_HANDLE dirEntryBufferHandle


[in] callbackData

Information about the operation. The following callbackData members are necessary to implement this callback:

FilePathName Identifies the directory to be enumerated.
VersionInfo Provides version information for the directory to be enumerated.
Flags Flags to control what is returned in the enumeration. Valid values are:
PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RETURN_SINGLE_ENTRY This bit is set if the user is requesting only one entry from the enumeration. The provider may treat this as a hint, and may opt to return more than one entry to make an enumeration that returns one item at a time more efficient. In such a case ProjFS will return single entry to the user, invoking the provider only when it needs more entries.
PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN This bit is set if the enumeration is to start at the first entry in the directory. On the first invocation of this callback for an enumeration session the provider must treat this flag as set, regardless of its value. All enumerations must start at the first entry. On subsequent invocations of this callback the provider must honor this value.

The provider can access this buffer only while the callback is running. If it wishes to pend the operation and it requires data from this buffer, it must make its own copy of it.

[in] enumerationId

An identifier for this enumeration session.

[in, optional] searchExpression

A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string specifying a search expression. The search expression may include wildcard characters. The provider should use the PrjDoesNameContainWildCards function to determine whether wildcards are present in searchExpression, and it should use the PrjFileNameMatch function to determine whether an entry in its backing store matches a search expression containing wildcards.

This parameter is optional and may be NULL.

  • If this parameter is not NULL, the provider must return only those directory entries whose names match the search expression.
  • If this parameter is NULL, the provider must return all directory entries.

The provider should capture the value of this parameter on the first invocation of this callback for an enumeration session and use it on subsequent invocations, ignoring this parameter on those invocations unless PRJ_CB_DATA_FLAG_ENUM_RESTART_SCAN is specified in the Flags member of callbackData. In that case the provider must re-capture the value of searchExpression.

[in] dirEntryBufferHandle

An opaque handle to a structure that receives the results of the enumeration from the provider. The provider uses the PrjFillDirEntryBuffer routine to fill the structure.

Return value

Return code Description
The provider successfully added at least one entry to dirEntryBufferHandle, or no entries in the provider’s store match searchExpression.
The provider received this error from PrjFillDirEntryBuffer for the first file or directory it tried to add to dirEntryBufferHandle.
The provider wishes to complete the operation at a later time.

An appropriate HRESULT error code if the provider fails the operation.


ProjFS invokes this callback one or more times after invoking PRJ_START_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATION_CB. See the Remarks section of PRJ_START_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATION_CB for more information.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1809 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header projectedfslib.h