RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE enumeration (raseapif.h)
The RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE enumerated type specifies attribute values used for session authentication. Further details for values in this enumerated type are obtained by referring to one of the four following references: RFC 2865, RFC 2866, RFC 2869, or RFC 2868.
typedef enum _RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ {
raatMinimum = 0,
raatFramedRouting = 10,
raatCallbackId = 20,
raatCalledStationId = 30,
raatAcctStatusType = 40,
raatAcctMultiSessionId = 50,
raatAcctEventTimeStamp = 55,
raatMD5CHAPChallenge = 60,
raatARAPPassword = 70,
raatSignature = 80,
raatARAPChallengeResponse = 84,
raatAcctInterimInterval = 85,
raatNASIPv6Address = 95,
raatARAPGuestLogon = 8096,
raatPEAPEmbeddedEAPTypeId = 8099,
raatInnerEAPTypeId = 8099,
raatPEAPFastRoamedSession = 8100,
raatFastRoamedSession = 8100,
raatEAPTLV = 8102,
raatCertificateThumbprint = 8250,
raatPeerId = 9000,
raatMinimum Value: 0 Specifies a value equal to zero, and used as the NULL terminator in any array of RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE structures. |
raatUserName Specifies the name of the user to be authenticated. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatUserPassword Specifies the password of the user to be authenticated. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatMD5CHAPPassword Specifies the password provided by the user in response to an MD5 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) challenge. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatNASIPAddress Specifies the Network Access Server (NAS) IP address. An Access-Request should specify either an NAS IP address or an NAS identifier. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatNASPort Specifies the physical or virtual private network (VPN) through which the user is connecting to the NAS. Note that this value is not a port number in the sense of TCP or UDP. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatServiceType Specifies the type of service the user has requested or the type of service to be provided. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedProtocol Specifies the type of framed protocol to use for framed access, for example SLIP, PPP, or ARAP (AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol). The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedIPAddress Specifies the IP address that is configured for the user requesting authentication. This attribute is typically returned by the authentication provider. However, the NAS may use it in an authentication request to specify a preferred IP address. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedIPNetmask Specifies the IP network mask for a user that is a router to a network. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedRouting Value: 10 Specifies the routing method for a user that is a router to a network. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFilterId Specifies the filter list for the user requesting authentication. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedMTU Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the user. This attribute is used in cases where the MTU is not negotiated through some other means, such as PPP. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedCompression Specifies a compression protocol to use for the connection. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatLoginIPHost Specifies the system with which to connect the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatLoginService Specifies the service to use to connect the user to the host specified by raatLoginIPHost. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatLoginTCPPort Specifies the port to which to connect the user. This attribute is present only if the raatLoginService attribute is present. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatUnassigned17 This value is currently unassigned. |
raatReplyMessage Specifies a message to display to the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatCallbackNumber Specifies a callback number. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatCallbackId Value: 20 Specifies a location to call back. The value of this attribute is interpreted by the NAS. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatUnassigned21 This value is currently unassigned. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is also undefined. |
raatFramedRoute Specifies routing information to configure on the NAS for the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedIPXNetwork Specifies the IPX network number to configure for the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatState Specifies state information provided to the client by the server. Refer to RFC 2865 for detailed information about this value. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. |
raatClass Specifies a value that is provided to the NAS by the authentication provider. The NAS should use this value when communicating with the accounting provider. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatVendorSpecific Specifies a field for vendor-supplied extended attributes. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatSessionTimeout Specifies the maximum number of seconds for which to provide service to the user. After this time, the session is terminated. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatIdleTimeout Specifies the maximum number of consecutive seconds the session can be idle. If the idle time exceeds this value, the session is terminated. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatTerminationAction Specifies an action the server performs when time the connection terminates. Refer to the above-referenced files for detailed information about this value. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatCalledStationId Value: 30 Specifies the number that the user dialed to connect to the NAS. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatCallingStationId Specifies the number from which the user is calling. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatNASIdentifier Specifies the NAS identifier. An Access-Request should specify either an NAS identifier or an NAS IP address. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatProxyState Specifies a value that a proxy server includes when forwarding an authentication request. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatLoginLATService Specifies an attribute that is not currently used for authentication on Windows 2000. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatLoginLATNode Specifies an attribute that is not currently used for authentication on Windows 2000. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatLoginLATGroup Specifies an attribute that is not currently used for authentication on Windows 2000. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedAppleTalkLink Specifies the AppleTalk network number for the user when the user is another router. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedAppleTalkNetwork Specifies the AppleTalk network number that the NAS should use to allocate an AppleTalk node for the user. This attribute is used only when the user is not another router. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatFramedAppleTalkZone Specifies the AppleTalk default zone for the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatAcctStatusType Value: 40 Specifies whether the accounting provider should start or stop accounting for the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctDelayTime Specifies the length of time that the client has been attempting to send the current request. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctInputOctets Specifies the number of octets that have been received during the current accounting session. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctOutputOctets Specifies the number of octets that were sent during the current accounting session. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctSessionId Specifies a value to enable the identification of matching start and stop records within a log file. The start and stop records are sent in the raatAcctStatusType attribute. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctAuthentic Specifies, to the accounting provider, how the user was authenticated; for example by Windows 2000 Directory Services, RADIUS, or some other authentication provider. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctSessionTime Specifies the number of seconds that have elapsed in the current accounting session. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctInputPackets Specifies the number of packets that have been received during the current accounting session. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctOutputPackets Specifies the number of packets that have been sent during the current accounting session. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctTerminateCause Specifies how the current accounting session was terminated. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctMultiSessionId Value: 50 Specifies a value to enable the identification of related accounting sessions within a log file. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctLinkCount Specifies the number of links if the current accounting session is using a multilink connection. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2866. |
raatAcctEventTimeStamp Value: 55 Specifies an attribute that is included in an accounting request packet. It specifies the time that the event took place. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see the RFC 2869 Internet draft. |
raatMD5CHAPChallenge Value: 60 Specifies the CHAP challenge sent by the NAS to a CHAP user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatNASPortType Specifies the type of the port through which the user is connecting, for example, asynchronous, ISDN, virtual. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatPortLimit Specifies the number of ports the NAS should make available to the user for multilink sessions. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatLoginLATPort Specifies an attribute that is not currently used for authentication on Windows 2000. For more information, see RFC 2865. |
raatTunnelType Specifies the tunneling protocol used. The following table lists valid tunnel types.
raatTunnelMediumType Specifies which transport medium to use when creating a tunnel for those protocols (such as L2TP) that can operate over multiple transports. The following table lists valid medium types.
raatTunnelClientEndpoint Points to the address of the initiator end of the tunnel. |
raatTunnelServerEndpoint Points to the address of the server end of the tunnel. |
raatARAPPassword Value: 70 Specifies a password to use for AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP) authentication. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2869 . |
raatARAPFeatures Specifies information that an NAS should send back to the user in an ARAP "feature flags" packet. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatARAPZoneAccess Specifies how to use the ARAP zone list for the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatARAPSecurity Specifies an ARAP security module to use during a secondary authentication phase between the NAS and the user. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatARAPSecurityData Specifies the data to use with an ARAP security module. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatPasswordRetry Specifies the number of password retry attempts to permit the user access. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. |
raatPrompt Specifies whether the NAS should echo the user response to a challenge. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatConnectInfo Specifies information about the type of connection the user is using. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a Pointer. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatConfigurationToken Specifies user-profile information in communications between RADIUS Proxy Servers and RADIUS Proxy Clients. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatEAPMessage Specifies that EAP information be sent directly between the user and the authentication provider. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatSignature Value: 80 Specifies a signature to include with CHAP, EAP, or ARAP packets. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, RFC 2869. |
raatARAPChallengeResponse Value: 84 Specifies the response to a Apple Remote Access Protocol (ARAP) challenge. In ARAP, either the server or the client may respond to challenges. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a pointer. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatAcctInterimInterval Value: 85 Specifies the time, in seconds, between accounting updates. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatNASIPv6Address Value: 95 |
raatFramedInterfaceId |
raatFramedIPv6Prefix |
raatLoginIPv6Host |
raatFramedIPv6Route |
raatFramedIPv6Pool |
raatARAPGuestLogon Value: 8096 Specifies a Apple Remote Access Protocol (ARAP) guest logon. The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is a 32-bit integral value. For more information, see RFC 2869. |
raatCertificateOID Reserved for internal use only. |
raatEAPConfiguration Reserved for internal use only. |
raatPEAPEmbeddedEAPTypeId Value: 8099 Reserved for internal use only. |
raatInnerEAPTypeId Value: 8099 |
raatPEAPFastRoamedSession Value: 8100 Reserved for internal use only. |
raatFastRoamedSession Value: 8100 |
raatEAPTLV Value: 8102 Indicates and EAP-TLV attribute. |
raatCredentialsChanged |
raatCertificateThumbprint Value: 8250 |
raatPeerId Value: 9000 |
raatServerId |
raatMethodId |
raatEMSK |
raatSessionId |
raatReserved The value field in RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE for this type is undefined. |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only] |
Header | raseapif.h |