restartmanager.h header
This header is used by Restart Manager. For more information, see:
restartmanager.h contains the following programming interfaces:
RmAddFilter Modifies the shutdown or restart actions that are applied to an application or service. |
RmCancelCurrentTask Cancels the current RmShutdown or RmRestart operation. This function must be called from the application that has started the session by calling the RmStartSession function. |
RmEndSession Ends the Restart Manager session. |
RmGetFilterList Lists the modifications to shutdown and restart actions that have already been applied by the RmAddFilter function. |
RmGetList Gets a list of all applications and services that are currently using resources that have been registered with the Restart Manager session. |
RmJoinSession Joins a secondary installer to an existing Restart Manager session. |
RmRegisterResources Registers resources to a Restart Manager session. |
RmRemoveFilter Removes any modifications to shutdown or restart actions that have been applied using the RmAddFilter function. |
RmRestart Restarts applications and services that have been shut down by the RmShutdown function and that have been registered to be restarted using the RegisterApplicationRestart function. |
RmShutdown Initiates the shutdown of applications. |
RmStartSession Starts a new Restart Manager session. |
Callback functions
RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK The RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK function can be implemented by the user interface that controls the Restart Manager. |
RM_FILTER_INFO Contains information about modifications to restart or shutdown actions. |
RM_PROCESS_INFO Describes an application that is to be registered with the Restart Manager. |
RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS Uniquely identifies a process by its PID and the time the process began. |
RM_APP_STATUS Describes the current status of an application that is acted upon by the Restart Manager. |
RM_APP_TYPE Specifies the type of application that is described by the RM_PROCESS_INFO structure. |
RM_FILTER_ACTION Specifies the type of modification that is applied to restart or shutdown actions. |
RM_FILTER_TRIGGER Describes the restart or shutdown actions for an application or service. |
RM_REBOOT_REASON Describes the reasons a restart of the system is needed. |
RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE Configures the shut down of applications. |