IMetaDataImport::EnumSignatures method (rometadataapi.h)

Enumerates Signature tokens representing stand-alone signatures in the current scope.


HRESULT EnumSignatures(
  [in, out] HCORENUM       *phEnum,
  [out]     mdSignature [] rgSignatures,
  [in]      ULONG          cMax,
  [out]     ULONG          *pcSignatures


[in, out] phEnum

A pointer to the enumerator. This must be NULL for the first call of this method.

[out] rgSignatures

The array used to store the Signature tokens.

[in] cMax

The maximum size of the rgSignatures array.

[out] pcSignatures

The number of Signature tokens returned in rgSignatures.

Return value

HRESULT Description
S_OK EnumSignatures returned successfully.
S_FALSE There are no tokens to enumerate. In this case, pcSignatures is 0 (zero).


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header rometadataapi.h

See also
