RtmCreateRouteEnum function (rtmv2.h)

The RtmCreateRouteEnum function creates an enumeration of the routes for a particular destination or range of destinations in the routing table. A client can enumerate routes for one or more views, or for all views.


DWORD RtmCreateRouteEnum(
  [in]  RTM_ENTITY_HANDLE RtmRegHandle,
  [in]  RTM_DEST_HANDLE   DestHandle,
  [in]  RTM_VIEW_SET      TargetViews,
  [in]  RTM_ENUM_FLAGS    EnumFlags,
  [in]  PRTM_NET_ADDRESS  StartDest,
  [in]  RTM_MATCH_FLAGS   MatchingFlags,
  [in]  PRTM_ROUTE_INFO   CriteriaRoute,
  [in]  ULONG             CriteriaInterface,
  [out] PRTM_ENUM_HANDLE  RtmEnumHandle


[in] RtmRegHandle

Handle to the client obtained from a previous call to RtmRegisterEntity.

[in] DestHandle

Handle to the destination for which to enumerate routes. This parameter is optional, and can be set to NULL; specifying NULL enumerates all routes for all destinations. Specify NULL if EnumFlags contains RTM_ENUM_START.

[in] TargetViews

Specifies the set of views to use when creating the enumeration. The following flags are used.

Constant Meaning
Return destinations from all views. This is the default value.
Return destinations from the unicast view.
Return destinations from the multicast view.

[in] EnumFlags

Specifies which routes to include in the enumeration. Two sets of flags are used; use one flag from each set (such as RTM_ENUM_ALL_ROUTES and RTM_ENUM_START).

Constant Meaning
Return all routes.
Return only those routes that the client owns.
Constant Meaning
Enumerate routes starting at the specified address/mask length (such as 10/8). The enumeration continues to the end of the routing table.
Enumerate routes in the specified range specified by the address/mask length (such as 10/8).
Enumerate routes starting at 0/0. Specify NULL for NetAddress.

[in] StartDest

Pointer to an RTM_NET_ADDRESS structure that contains the starting address of the enumeration. This parameter is ignored if EnumFlags contains RTM_ENUM_START.

[in] MatchingFlags

Specifies the elements of the route to match. Only routes that match the criteria specified in CriteriaRoute and CriteriaInterface are returned, unless otherwise noted. The following flags are used.

Constant Meaning
Match routes with all criteria.
Match routes that are on the same interface. The client can specify NULL for CriteriaRoute.
Match routes with the same neighbor.
Match routes that have the same next hop.
Match none of the criteria; all routes for the destination are returned. The CriteriaRoute parameter is ignored if this flag is set.
Match routes with same owner.
Match routes that have the same preference.

[in] CriteriaRoute

Specifies which routes to enumerate. This parameter is optional and can be set to NULL if MatchingFlags contains RTM_MATCH_INTERFACE or RTM_MATCH_NONE.

[in] CriteriaInterface

Pointer to a ULONG that specifies on which interfaces routes should be located. This parameter is ignored unless MatchingFlags contains RTM_MATCH_INTERFACE.

[out] RtmEnumHandle

On input, RtmEnumHandle is a pointer to NULL.

On output, RtmEnumHandle receives a pointer to a handle to the enumeration. Use this handle in all subsequent calls to RtmGetEnumRoutes, RtmReleaseRoutes, and RtmDeleteEnumHandle.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning
A parameter contains incorrect information.
There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
One or more of the specified views is not supported.


If EnumFlags contains RTM_ENUM_RANGE, use NetAddress to specify the range of the routing table to enumerate. For example, if a client sets NetAddress to 10/8, destinations in the range to are returned.

When the enumeration handle is no longer required, release it by calling RtmDeleteEnumHandle.

For sample code using this function, see Enumerate All Routes.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header rtmv2.h
Library Rtm.lib
DLL Rtm.dll

See also




