RtwqBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS function (rtworkq.h)

Associates a work queue with a Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) task.


HRESULT RtwqBeginRegisterWorkQueueWithMMCSS(
  [in] DWORD              workQueueId,
  [in] PCWSTR             usageClass,
  [in] DWORD              dwTaskId,
  [in] LONG               lPriority,
  [in] IRtwqAsyncCallback *doneCallback,
  [in] IUnknown           *doneState


[in] workQueueId

The identifier of the work queue. For private work queues, the identifier is returned by the RtwqAllocateWorkQueue function.

[in] usageClass

The name of the MMCSS task.

[in] dwTaskId

The unique task identifier. To obtain a new task identifier, set this value to zero.

[in] lPriority

The base relative priority for the work-queue threads. For more information, see AvSetMmThreadPriority.

[in] doneCallback

A pointer to the IRtwqAsyncCallback interface of a callback object. The caller must implement this interface.

[in] doneState

A pointer to the IUnknown interface of a state object, defined by the caller. This parameter can be NULL. You can use this object to hold state information. The object is returned to the caller when the callback is invoked.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header rtworkq.h
Library Rtworkq.lib
DLL RTWorkQ.dll