GetNumaNodeProcessorMask2 function (systemtopologyapi.h)

Retrieves the multi-group processor mask of the specified node.


BOOL GetNumaNodeProcessorMask2(
  USHORT          NodeNumber,
  PGROUP_AFFINITY ProcessorMasks,
  USHORT          ProcessorMaskCount,
  PUSHORT         RequiredMaskCount



Supplies the zero-based node number for the node of interest.


An array of GROUP_AFFINITY structures, which upon successful return describes the processor mask of the specified node.

Each element in the array describes a set of processors that belong to the node within a single processor group. There will be one element in the resulting array for each processor group this node has active processors in.


Specifies the size of the ProcessorMasks array, in elements.


On successful return, specifies the number of affinity structures written to the array.

If the input array was too small, the function fails with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER and sets the RequiredMaskCount parameter to the number of elements required.

The number of required elements is always less than or equal to the maximum group count returned by GetMaximumProcessorGroupCount.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero and extended error information can be retrieved by calling GetLastError.

If the array supplied is too small, the error value is ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER and the RequiredMaskCount parameter is set to the number of elements required.

If the NodeNumber supplied is invalid (i.e. greater than the value returned by GetNumaHighestNodeNumber), the error value is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.


If the node specified does not have any processors associated with it (i.e. it only contains memory or peripherals), then the RequiredMaskCount returned will be 0 and no structures will be written to the array.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 Build 20348
Minimum supported server Windows 10 Build 20348
Header systemtopologyapi.h

See also
