LINECALLINFO structure (tapi.h)

The LINECALLINFO structure contains information about a call. This information remains relatively fixed for the duration of the call. Multiple functions use LINECALLINFO. The structure is returned by the lineGetCallInfo function and the TSPI_lineGetCallInfo function. If a part of the structure does change, then a LINE_CALLINFO message is sent to the application indicating which information item has changed.

Dynamically changing information about a call, such as call progress status, is available in the LINECALLSTATUS structure, returned by a call to the lineGetCallStatus function.


typedef struct linecallinfo_tag {
  DWORD          dwTotalSize;
  DWORD          dwNeededSize;
  DWORD          dwUsedSize;
  HLINE          hLine;
  DWORD          dwLineDeviceID;
  DWORD          dwAddressID;
  DWORD          dwBearerMode;
  DWORD          dwRate;
  DWORD          dwMediaMode;
  DWORD          dwAppSpecific;
  DWORD          dwCallID;
  DWORD          dwRelatedCallID;
  DWORD          dwCallParamFlags;
  DWORD          dwCallStates;
  DWORD          dwMonitorDigitModes;
  DWORD          dwMonitorMediaModes;
  DWORD          dwOrigin;
  DWORD          dwReason;
  DWORD          dwCompletionID;
  DWORD          dwNumOwners;
  DWORD          dwNumMonitors;
  DWORD          dwCountryCode;
  DWORD          dwTrunk;
  DWORD          dwCallerIDFlags;
  DWORD          dwCallerIDSize;
  DWORD          dwCallerIDOffset;
  DWORD          dwCallerIDNameSize;
  DWORD          dwCallerIDNameOffset;
  DWORD          dwCalledIDFlags;
  DWORD          dwCalledIDSize;
  DWORD          dwCalledIDOffset;
  DWORD          dwCalledIDNameSize;
  DWORD          dwCalledIDNameOffset;
  DWORD          dwConnectedIDFlags;
  DWORD          dwConnectedIDSize;
  DWORD          dwConnectedIDOffset;
  DWORD          dwConnectedIDNameSize;
  DWORD          dwConnectedIDNameOffset;
  DWORD          dwRedirectionIDFlags;
  DWORD          dwRedirectionIDSize;
  DWORD          dwRedirectionIDOffset;
  DWORD          dwRedirectionIDNameSize;
  DWORD          dwRedirectionIDNameOffset;
  DWORD          dwRedirectingIDFlags;
  DWORD          dwRedirectingIDSize;
  DWORD          dwRedirectingIDOffset;
  DWORD          dwRedirectingIDNameSize;
  DWORD          dwRedirectingIDNameOffset;
  DWORD          dwAppNameSize;
  DWORD          dwAppNameOffset;
  DWORD          dwDisplayableAddressSize;
  DWORD          dwDisplayableAddressOffset;
  DWORD          dwCalledPartySize;
  DWORD          dwCalledPartyOffset;
  DWORD          dwCommentSize;
  DWORD          dwCommentOffset;
  DWORD          dwDisplaySize;
  DWORD          dwDisplayOffset;
  DWORD          dwUserUserInfoSize;
  DWORD          dwUserUserInfoOffset;
  DWORD          dwHighLevelCompSize;
  DWORD          dwHighLevelCompOffset;
  DWORD          dwLowLevelCompSize;
  DWORD          dwLowLevelCompOffset;
  DWORD          dwChargingInfoSize;
  DWORD          dwChargingInfoOffset;
  DWORD          dwTerminalModesSize;
  DWORD          dwTerminalModesOffset;
  DWORD          dwDevSpecificSize;
  DWORD          dwDevSpecificOffset;
  DWORD          dwCallTreatment;
  DWORD          dwCallDataSize;
  DWORD          dwCallDataOffset;
  DWORD          dwSendingFlowspecSize;
  DWORD          dwSendingFlowspecOffset;
  DWORD          dwReceivingFlowspecSize;
  DWORD          dwReceivingFlowspecOffset;
  DWORD          dwCallerIDAddressType;
  DWORD          dwCalledIDAddressType;
  DWORD          dwConnectedIDAddressType;
  DWORD          dwRedirectionIDAddressType;
  DWORD          dwRedirectingIDAddressType;



Total size allocated to this data structure, in bytes.


Size for this data structure that is needed to hold all the returned information, in bytes.


Size of the portion of this data structure that contains useful information, in bytes.


Handle to the line device with which this call is associated.


Device identifier of the line device with which this call is associated.


Address identifier of the address on the line on which this call exists. An address identifier is permanently associated with an address; the identifier remains constant across operating system upgrades.


Current bearer mode of the call. This member uses one of the LINEBEARERMODE_ constants.


Rate of the call's data stream, in bps (bits per second).


Media type of the information stream currently on the call. This is the media type as determined by the owner of the call, which is not necessarily the same as that of the last LINE_MONITORMEDIA message. This member is not directly affected by the LINE_MONITORMEDIA messages. This member uses the LINEMEDIAMODE_ constants.


Not interpreted by the API implementation and service provider. It can be set by any owner application of this call with the lineSetAppSpecific function.


In some telephony environments, the switch or service provider can assign a unique identifier to each call. This allows the call to be tracked across transfers, forwards, or other events. The domain of these call IDs and their scope is service provider-defined. The dwCallID member makes this unique identifier available to the applications.


Telephony environments that use the call ID often may find it necessary to relate one call to another. The dwRelatedCallID member may be used by the service provider for this purpose.


Collection of call-related parameters when the call is outgoing. These are the same call parameters specified in lineMakeCall, one or more of the LINECALLPARAMFLAGS_ constants.


One or more of the LINECALLSTATE_ constants, that indicates the states in which the application can be notified on this call. The dwCallStates member is constant in LINECALLINFO and does not change depending on the call state.


Various digit modes. This member is one or more of the LINEDIGITMODE_ constants, for which monitoring is currently enabled.


Various media types for which monitoring is currently enabled. This member is one or more of the LINEMEDIAMODE_ constants.


Dialing parameters currently in effect on the call, of type LINEDIALPARAMS. Unless these parameters are set by either lineMakeCall or lineSetCallParams, their values are the same as the defaults used in the LINEDEVCAPS structure.


Identifies where the call originated. This member can be one of the LINECALLORIGIN_ constants.


Reason why the call occurred. This member can be one of the LINECALLREASON_ constants.


Completion identifier for the incoming call if it is the result of a completion request that terminates. This identifier is meaningful only if dwReason is LINECALLREASON_CALLCOMPLETION.


Number of application modules with different call handles with owner privilege for the call.


Number of application modules with different call handles with monitor privilege for the call.


Country or region code of the destination party. Zero if unknown.


Number of the trunk over which the call is routed. This member is used for both incoming and outgoing calls. The dwTrunk member should be set to 0xFFFFFFFF if it is unknown.


Determines the validity and content of the caller, or originator, party identifier information. This member uses one of the LINECALLPARTYID_ constants.


Size of the caller ID number, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of this structure to the variably sized field containing the caller party ID number information. The size of the field is specified by dwCallerIDSize.


Size of the caller ID name including the null terminator, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of this structure to the variably sized field containing the caller party ID name information. The size of the field is specified by dwCallerIDNameSize.


Determines the validity and content of the called-party ID information. The called party corresponds to the originally addressed party. This member uses one of the LINECALLPARTYID_ constants.


Size of the called-party ID number, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field containing the called-party ID number information. The size of the field is specified by dwCalledIDSize.


Size of the called-party ID name including the null terminator, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field containing the called-party ID name information. The size of the field is specified by dwCalledIDNameSize.


Determines the validity and content of the connected party ID information. The connected party is the party that was actually connected to. This may be different from the called-party ID if the call was diverted. This member uses one of the LINECALLPARTYID_ constants.


Size of the connected-party ID number, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of this structure to the variably sized field containing the connected-party ID number information. The size of the field is specified by dwConnectedIDSize.


Size of the connected-party ID name including the null terminator, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of this structure to the variably sized field containing the connected-party ID name information. The size of the field is specified by dwConnectedIDNameSize.


Determines the validity and content of the redirection party identifier information. The redirection party identifies the address to which the session was redirected. This member uses one of the LINECALLPARTYID_ constants.


Size of the redirection-party ID number, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field containing the redirection-party ID number information. The size of the field is specified by dwRedirectionIDSize.


Size of the redirection-party ID name, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field containing the redirection-party ID name information. The size of the field is specified by dwRedirectionIDNameSize.


Determines the validity and content of the redirecting party identifier information. The redirecting party identifies the address which redirect the session. This member uses one of the LINECALLPARTYID_ constants.


Size of the redirecting-party ID number, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field containing the redirecting-party ID number information. The size of the field is specified by dwRedirectingIDSize.


Size of the redirecting-party ID name including the null terminator, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field containing the redirecting-party ID name information. The size of the field is specified by dwRedirectingIDNameSize.


Size of the application name field including the null terminator, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field holding the user-friendly name of the application that first originated, accepted, or answered the call. This is the name that an application can specify in lineInitializeEx. If the application specifies no such name, then the application's module filename is used instead. The size of the field is specified by dwAppNameSize.


Size of the displayable address string including the null terminator, in bytes.


Displayable string is used for logging purposes. The information is obtained from LINECALLPARAMS for functions that initiate calls. The lineTranslateAddress function returns appropriate information to be placed in this field in the dwDisplayableAddressSize and dwDisplayableAddressOffset members of the LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT structure.


Size of the called-party description field, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field that specifies the user-friendly description of the called party. This information can be specified with lineMakeCall and can be optionally specified in the lpCallParams parameter whenever a new call is established. It is useful for call logging purposes. The size of the field is specified by dwCalledPartySize.


Size of the comment field, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field holding a comment about the call provided by the application that originated the call using lineMakeCall. This information can be optionally specified in the lpCallParams parameter whenever a new call is established. The size of the field is specified by dwCommentSize.


Size of the raw display information, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field holding raw display information. Depending on the telephony environment, a service provider may extract functional information from this member pair for formatting and presentation most appropriate for this telephony configuration. The size of the field is specified by dwDisplaySize.


Size of the user-user information, in bytes. If the user-user information is a pointer to a string, the size must include the null terminator.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field holding user-user information. The protocol discriminator field for the user-user information, if used, appears as the first byte of the data pointed to by dwUserUserInfoOffset, and is accounted for in dwUserUserInfoSize.


Size of the high-level compatibility information, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field holding high-level compatibility information. The format of this information is specified by other standards (ISDN Q.931). The size of the field is specified by dwHighLevelCompSize.


Size of the low-level compatibility information, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field holding low-level compatibility information. The format of this information is specified by other standards (ISDN Q.931). The size of the field is specified by dwLowLevelCompSize.


Size of the charging information, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized field holding charging information. The format of this information is specified by other standards (ISDN Q.931). The size of the field is specified by dwChargingInfoSize.


Size of the current terminal modes array, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably sized device field containing an array with DWORD-sized entries. Array entries are indexed by terminal identifiers, in the range from zero to one less than dwNumTerminals. Each entry in the array specifies the current terminal modes for the corresponding terminal set with the lineSetTerminal function for this call's media stream, as specified by one of the LINETERMMODE_ constants. The size of the array is specified by dwTerminalModesSize.


Size of the device-specific field, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the variably-sized field holding device-specific information. The size of the field is specified by dwDevSpecificSize.


Call treatment currently being applied on the call or that is applied when the call enters the next applicable state. Can be zero if call treatments are not supported.


Size of the application-settable call data, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to the application-settable call data. The size of the field is specified by dwCallDataSize.


Size of the quality of service information, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to a FLOWSPEC structure followed by WinSock provider-specific data, equivalent to what would have been stored in SendingFlowspec in a QOS structure. Specifies the quality of service currently in effect in the sending direction on the call. The provider-specific portion following the FLOWSPEC structure must not contain pointers to other blocks of memory, because TAPI does not know how to marshal the data pointed to by the private pointer(s) and convey it through interprocess communication to the application. The size of the field is specified by dwSendingFlowspecSize.


Size of the quality of service information, in bytes.


Offset from the beginning of the structure to a FLOWSPEC structure followed by WinSock provider-specific data, equivalent to what would have been stored in ReceivingFlowspec in a QOS structure. Specifies the quality of service current in effect in the receiving direction on the call. The provider-specific portion following the FLOWSPEC structure must not contain pointers to other blocks of memory, because TAPI does not know how to marshal the data pointed to by the private pointer(s) and convey it through interprocess communication to the application. The size of the field is specified by dwReceivingFlowspecSize.


Address type of the caller. This member of the structure is available only if the negotiated TAPI version is 3.0 or higher.


Address type of the called party. This member of the structure is available only if the negotiated TAPI version is 3.0 or higher.


Address type of the destination to which the call was actually connected. This member of the structure is available only if the negotiated TAPI version is 3.0 or higher.


Address type of the new call destination. This member of the structure is available only if the negotiated TAPI version is 3.0 or higher.


Address type of the location which redirected the call. This member of the structure is available only if the negotiated TAPI version is 3.0 or higher.


Device-specific extensions should use the DevSpecific (dwDevSpecificSize and dwDevSpecificOffset) variably sized area of this data structure.

The LINECALLINFO data structure contains relatively fixed information about a call. This structure is returned with lineGetCallInfo. When information items in this data structure have changed, a LINE_CALLINFO message is sent to the application. A parameter to this message is the information item or field that changed.

The members dwCallTreatment through dwReceivingFlowspecOffset are available only to applications that open the line device with an API version of 2.0 or later.

Note  The preferred format for specification of the contents of the dwCallID field and the other five similar fields (dwCallerIDFlag, dwCallerIDSize, dwCallerIDOffset, dwCallerIDNameSize, and dwCallerIDNameOffset) is the TAPI canonical number format. For example, a ICLID of "4258828080" received from the switch should be converted to "+1 (425) 8828080" before being placed in the LINECALLINFO structure. This standardized format facilitates searching of databases and callback functions implemented in applications.


Requirement Value
Header tapi.h

See also
















