ITTerminalSupport interface (tapi3if.h)

The ITTerminalSupport interface is exposed on an Address object only if an MSP exists. The methods of this interface allow an application to discover available terminals and/or create one, and get pointers to required Terminal objects.

An tapi3.itterminalsupport pointer can be obtained by calling QueryInterface on any Address interface, such as ITAddress. If E_NOINTERFACE is returned, the service provider associated with the address does not support media controls.

The ITTerminalSupport2 interface is derived from the ITTerminalSupport interface. ITTerminalSupport2 supports the retrieval of information about pluggable terminal classes and superclasses by C, C++, and scripting applications.


The ITTerminalSupport interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. ITTerminalSupport also has these types of members:


The ITTerminalSupport interface has these methods.


The CreateTerminal method creates and initializes a new ITTerminal object based on the dynamic terminal class and media. The terminal class is identified by a GUID. The GUID must be converted to a string using StringFromIID to pass to this method.

The EnumerateDynamicTerminalClasses method enumerates the currently available dynamic terminal classes that are supported.

The EnumerateStaticTerminals method enumerates the currently available static terminals associated with the address.

The get_DynamicTerminalClasses method creates a collection of currently available dynamic terminals.

The get_StaticTerminals method creates a collection of currently available static terminals.

The GetDefaultStaticTerminal method gets the default static terminal for the media type specified.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h

See also

Address Object



Terminal Object

Terminal Object Interfaces