ITextHost::TxSetScrollRange method (textserv.h)

Sets the minimum and maximum position values for the specified scroll bar in the text host window.


BOOL TxSetScrollRange(
  [in] INT  fnBar,
  [in] LONG nMinPos,
  [in] INT  nMaxPos,
       BOOL fRedraw


[in] fnBar

Type: INT

Scroll bar flag. If this is SB_HORZ, horizontal scrolling is done. By default, vertical scrolling is done.

[in] nMinPos

Type: LONG

Minimum scrolling position.

[in] nMaxPos

Type: INT

Maximum scrolling position.


Type: BOOL

Redraw flag. If TRUE, the scroll bar is redrawn to reflect the changes. If FALSE, the scroll bar is not redrawn.

Return value

Type: BOOL

Return TRUE if the arrows are enabled or disabled as specified.

Return FALSE if the arrows are already in the requested state or an error occurs.


This method is only valid when the control is in-place active; calls while the control is inactive may fail.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header textserv.h
DLL Msftedit.dll

See also


Windowless Rich Edit Controls Overview