TraceLoggingCustom macro (traceloggingprovider.h)

TraceLogging wrapper macro that adds a field that was packed using a custom serializer to the event.

Most TraceLogging events do not need to use a custom serializer and should not use TraceLoggingCustom.


void TraceLoggingCustom(
  [in]            pValue,
  [in]            cbValue,
  [in]            protocol,
  [in]            bSchema,
  [in]            cbSchema,
  [in, optional]  __VA_ARGS__


[in] pValue

A pointer to the field's payload, serialized at runtime by a serializer from the specified protocol family.

[in] cbValue

The size, in bytes, of the field's payload, serialized at runtime by a serializer from the specified protocol family.

[in] protocol

A protocol family, which may be a Microsoft-defined value from 0-4 or a user-defined value from 5-31. The Microsoft-defined values are defined by macros starting with TRACELOGGING_PROTOCOL_.

[in] bSchema

A comma-separated list of byte values that contain the information needed to decode the payload (i.e. the schema), in a protocol-defined format. The values in this list must be compile-time constant. Example: (0x12, 0x23, 0x34)

[in] cbSchema

The number of byte values provided in bSchema. This value must be a compile-time constant.

[in, optional] __VA_ARGS__

Optional name, description, and tags parameters for the field definition.

TraceLoggingCustom can be specified with 5, 6, 7, or 8 parameters. If a parameter is not specified, a default will be used. For example, TraceLoggingCustom(&, sizeof(, p, (schema), cbSchema) is equivalent to TraceLoggingCustom(&, sizeof(, p, (schema), cbSchema, "&", "", 0).

  • [in, optional] name

    The name to use for the event field. If provided, the name parameter must be a string literal (not a variable) and must not contain any '\0' characters. If not provided, the event field name will be based on pValue.

  • [in, optional] description

    The description of the event field's value. If provided, the description parameter must be a string literal and will be included in the PDB.

  • [in, optional] tags

    A compile-time constant integer value. The low 28 bits of the value will be included in the field's metadata. The semantics of this value are defined by the event consumer. During event processing, this value can be retrieved from the EVENT_PROPERTY_INFO Tags field.

Return value



TraceLoggingCustom(pValue, cbValue, protocol, (schema...), cbSchema, ...) can be used as a parameter to an invocation of a TraceLoggingWrite macro. Each TraceLoggingCustom parameter adds a custom-serialized field to the event. Most TraceLogging events do not use custom serializers and should not use TraceLoggingCustom. General-purpose ETW decoders do not support fields that use custom serialization and will typically treat the fields as TDH_INTYPE_BINARY.

Decoders should access TraceLoggingCustom serialized fields using the TDH APIs. The TRACE_EVENT_INFO structure returned by TdhGetEventInformation will contain two EVENT_PROPERTY_INFO structures related to a logged TraceLoggingCustom field. These correlate in the typical fashion with the data found in the EVENT_RECORD's UserData blob for a binary field (TDH_INTYPE_BINARY).

  • The first of the two EVENT_PROPERTY_INFO structures is the "Length" property which describes the length of the serialized payload (i.e. cbValue).
  • The second is the property that refers to the user's payload (pbValue). The second property will have PropertyParamLength (in reference to the "Length" property) and PropertyHasCustomSchema set.

Decoders should recognize that PropertyHasCustomSchema has been set and consult the EVENT_PROPERTY_INFO's customSchemaType member for the CustomSchemaOffset, which is the offset in the TRACE_EVENT_INFORMATION where the protocol type and protocol metadata are located. There, they can find the metadata they passed in with a format of (pseudo-struct):

    UINT16 protocolType;
    UINT16 cbSchema;
    BYTE bSchema[cbSchema];

Existing decoders that do not take these extra steps to recognize the PropertyHasCustomSchema flag and instead refer to the nonStructType part of the EVENT_PROPERTY_INFO union to decode the event will seamlessly treat the payload as if it were TDH_INTYPE_BINARY.


// Value generated at runtime by serializer:
BYTE rgValue[] = {...};

      ( 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 ), // Generated at compile-time
   TraceLoggingLevel(WINEVENT_LEVEL_WARNING), // Levels defined in <winmeta.h>
   TraceLoggingKeyword(MyEventCategories)); // Provider-defined categories


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header traceloggingprovider.h

See also


TraceLogging wrapper macros