TxfLogCreateRangeReadContext function (txfw32.h)

[Microsoft strongly recommends developers utilize alternative means to achieve your application’s needs. Many scenarios that TxF was developed for can be achieved through simpler and more readily available techniques. Furthermore, TxF may not be available in future versions of Microsoft Windows. For more information, and alternatives to TxF, please see Alternatives to using Transactional NTFS.]

Creates a context that is required to read any replication records. In order to recover resources, the context must later be closed by calling TxfLogDestroyReadContext. Since the resources are allocated by a user-mode process, if that routine is not called, the resources will be recovered automatically when the process hosting the DLL terminates.


BOOL TxfLogCreateRangeReadContext(
  LPCWSTR        LogPath,
  CLFS_LSN       BeginningLsn,
  CLFS_LSN       EndingLsn,
  PLARGE_INTEGER BeginningVirtualClock,
  PLARGE_INTEGER EndingVirtualClock,
  ULONG          RecordTypeMask,
  PVOID          *TxfLogContext



Location of the RM's CLFS BLF.


Start of LSN range to search. (inclusive)


End of LSN range to search. (inclusive)


Start of the virtual clock.


End of the virtual clock.


A mask value indicating the type of records.


The returned context object.

Return value

Returns S_OK on success.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 Build 20348
Minimum supported server Windows 10 Build 20348
Header txfw32.h
Library TxfW32.lib
DLL TxfW32.dll