IUPnPReregistrar::ReregisterRunningDevice method (upnphost.h)

The ReregisterRunningDevice method re-registers a running device with the device host. The device information is stored by the device host. Then, the device host returns a device identifier and publishes and announces the device on the network. The publication of this device does not persist across system boots.


HRESULT ReregisterRunningDevice(
  [in] BSTR     bstrDeviceIdentifier,
  [in] BSTR     bstrXMLDesc,
  [in] IUnknown *punkDeviceControl,
  [in] BSTR     bstrInitString,
  [in] BSTR     bstrResourcePath,
  [in] long     nLifeTime


[in] bstrDeviceIdentifier

Specifies the device identifier of the device. This must be the same identifier returned by IUPnPRegistrar::RegisterRunningDevice in the pbstrDeviceIdentifier parameter.

[in] bstrXMLDesc

Specifies the XML device description template of the device to register.

[in] punkDeviceControl

Specifies the IUnknown pointer to the device's device control object.

[in] bstrInitString

Identifies the initialization string specific to the device. This string is later passed to IUPnPDeviceControl::Initialize.

[in] bstrResourcePath

Specifies the location of the resource directory of the device. This resource directory contains the icon files and service descriptions that are specified in the device description template bstrXMLDesc.

[in] nLifeTime

Specifies the lifetime of the device announcement, in seconds. After the timeout expires, the announcements are refreshed. If you specify zero, the default value of 1800 (30 minutes) is used. The minimum allowable value is 900 (15 minutes); if you specify anything less than 900, an error is returned.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes defined in WinError.h, or one of the following UPnP-specific error codes.

Return code Description
The device has not been registered. Use RegisterRunningDevice to register an unregistered device.
A duplicate element exists.
A duplicate service ID for a service within the same parent device exists.
The device description is not valid.
An error is present in the icon element of the device description.
An error is present in a service element in the device description.
A required element is missing.


The client that invokes this method must be able to impersonate LocalService to be able to complete the processing of this method.

The IUPnPDeviceControl::Initialize method is invoked when the first control or event request is received.

The registration of this device does not persist across system boots.

Common errors that can occur when invoking this function include:


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header upnphost.h
DLL Upnphost.dll

See also



