PXE_ADDRESS structure (wdspxe.h)

Specifies the network address for a packet.


typedef struct tagPXE_ADDRESS {
  ULONG  uFlags;
  union {
    BYTE  bAddress[PXE_MAX_ADDRESS];
    ULONG uIpAddress;
  ULONG  uAddrLen;
  USHORT uPort;



Indicates how the structure should be interpreted and which of the members of the structure are valid.

Value Meaning
For transmitted packets, this flag specifies that this packet should be broadcast on the network. If the PXE_ADDR_USE_PORT flag is set, then the uPort member specifies the port number to use; otherwise the source port number of the received packet is used as the destination port number. This flag cannot be combined with PXE_ADDR_USE_ADDR.

For received packets, this flag indicates that the packet was set to the server using a broadcast address. The uPort member indicates the port on which the packet was received, in host byte order. The bAddress and uAddrLen members are filled with the broadcast address used.

For transmitted packets, this flag specifies that the uPort member is valid and should be used as the destination port when the packet is sent. The uPort member must be in host byte order.

For received packets, this flag indicates that the packet was not received as a broadcast.

For transmitted packets, this flag specifies that the bAddress and uAddrLen members are valid and should be used as the destination address of the packet.

For received packets, this flag is always set.

For transmitted packets, this flag specifies that the received packet is a valid DHCP packet, and that the DHCP rules for relay agent should be used to determine the destination address and port. If this flag is specified then bAddress, uIpAddress, uAddrLen, and uPort are ignored.

For received packets, this flag is not used.


Specifies the address of the packet. For more information, see the description for the uFlags member.


Specifies the IPv4 address. For more information, see the description for the uFlags member.


Length of the address (bAddress or uIpAddress). For more information, see the description for the uFlags member.


Port number for the packet. For more information, see the description for the uFlags member.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Header wdspxe.h

See also


Windows Deployment Services Structures