EnableThreadProfiling function (winbase.h)

Enables thread profiling on the specified thread.


DWORD EnableThreadProfiling(
  [in]  HANDLE  ThreadHandle,
  [in]  DWORD   Flags,
  [in]  DWORD64 HardwareCounters,
  [out] HANDLE  *PerformanceDataHandle


[in] ThreadHandle

The handle to the thread on which you want to enable profiling. This must be the current thread.

[in] Flags

To receive thread profiling data such as context switch count, set this parameter to THREAD_PROFILING_FLAG_DISPATCH; otherwise, set to 0.

[in] HardwareCounters

To receive hardware performance counter data, set this parameter to a bitmask that identifies the hardware counters to collect. You can specify up to 16 performance counters. Each bit relates directly to the zero-based hardware counter index for the hardware performance counters that you configured. Set to zero if you are not collecting hardware counter data. If you set a bit for a hardware counter that has not been configured, the counter value that is read for that counter is zero.

[out] PerformanceDataHandle

An opaque handle that you use when calling the ReadThreadProfilingData and DisableThreadProfiling functions.

Return value

Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the call is successful; otherwise, a system error code (see Winerror.h).


You must call the DisableThreadProfiling function before exiting the thread.

To profile hardware performance counters, you need a driver to configure the counters. The performance counters are configured globally for the system, so every thread has access to the same hardware counter data. The counters must be configured before you enable profiling. For information on configuring hardware performance counters, see the KeSetHardwareCounterConfiguration function in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winbase.h (include Windows.h)
Library Kernel32.lib
DLL Kernel32.dll

See also


