WSMAN_PLUGIN_STARTUP callback function (wsman.h)

Defines the startup callback for the plug-in. Because multiple applications can be hosted in the same process, this method can be called multiple times, but only once for each application initialization. A plug-in can be initialized more than once within the same process but only once for each applicationIdentification value. The context that is returned from this method should be application specific. The returned context will be passed into all future plug-in calls that are specific to the application. All Windows Remote Management (WinRM) plug-ins must implement this callback function.

The DLL entry point name for this method must be WSManPluginStartup.



DWORD WsmanPluginStartup(
  DWORD flags,
  PCWSTR applicationIdentification,
  PCWSTR extraInfo,
  PVOID *pluginContext



Reserved for future use. Must be zero.


A unique identifier for the hosted application. For the main WinRM service, the default is wsman. For an Internet Information Services (IIS) host, this identifier is related to the application endpoint for that host. For example, wsman/MyCompany/MyApplication.


A string that contains configuration information, if any information was stored when the plug-in was registered. When the plug-in is registered using the WinRM configuration, the plug-in can add extra configuration parameters that are useful during initialization to an optional node. This information can be especially useful if a plug-in is used in different IIS hosting scenarios and requires slightly different run-time semantics during initialization. This string is a copy of the XML from the configuration, if one is present. Otherwise, this parameter is set to NULL.


The context for the specific application initialization. This context is passed through to all other WinRM plug-in calls that are associated with this applicationIdentifier.

Return value

The method returns NO_ERROR if it succeeded; otherwise, it returns an error code. If this method returns an error, the WSManPluginShutdown entry point will not be called.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header wsman.h
Redistributable Windows Management Framework on Windows Server 2008 with SP2, Windows Vista with SP1, and Windows Vista with SP2