IWRdsProtocolConnection::SessionArbitrationEnumeration method (wtsprotocol.h)

Called after arbitration to allow the protocol to specify the sessions to be reconnected. The protocol extension should return E_NOTIMPL to use the default session arbitration.


HRESULT SessionArbitrationEnumeration(
  [in]      HANDLE_PTR hUserToken,
  [in]      BOOL       bSingleSessionPerUserEnabled,
  [out]     ULONG      *pSessionIdArray,
  [in, out] ULONG      *pdwSessionIdentifierCount


[in] hUserToken

A handle that represents the user token.

[in] bSingleSessionPerUserEnabled

Specifies whether a user can only be associated with a single session.

[out] pSessionIdArray

A pointer to a ULONG array that receives the disconnected session identifiers for the user. If this parameter is NULL, the Remote Desktop Services service is requesting the number of elements to allocate this array. Place the number of identifiers in the value pointed to by pdwSessionIdentifierCount.

[in, out] pdwSessionIdentifierCount

A pointer to a ULONG value that receives the number of elements in the pSessionIdArray array.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header wtsprotocol.h

See also
