IWRdsProtocolSettings::MergeSettings method (wtsprotocol.h)

Adds (merges) the specified policy-related settings into the larger group of connection settings.


HRESULT MergeSettings(
  [in]      PWRDS_SETTINGS                pWRdsSettings,
  [in]      WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL WRdsConnectionSettingLevel,
  [in, out] PWRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS     pWRdsConnectionSettings


[in] pWRdsSettings

A pointer to a WRDS_SETTINGS structure that contains the policy-related settings to add.

[in] WRdsConnectionSettingLevel

A value of the WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL enumeration that specifies the type of structure contained in the WRdsConnectionSetting member of the WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS structure.

[in, out] pWRdsConnectionSettings

A pointer to a WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTINGS structure that contains the existing connection settings. When the method returns, this structure is updated to include the merged settings.

Return value

When you are implementing this method, return S_OK if the function succeeds. If it fails, return an HRESULT value that indicates the error. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header wtsprotocol.h

See also
