IWTSProtocolShadowConnection interface (wtsprotocol.h)

[IWTSProtocolShadowConnection is no longer available for use as of Windows Server 2012. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection.]

Exposes methods that notify the protocol provider about the status of session shadowing. The IWTSProtocolShadowConnection interface can also be used to exchange information between the shadow client and the shadow target. This interface is implemented by the protocol provider, and its methods are called by the Remote Desktop Services service.


The IWTSProtocolShadowConnection interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IWTSProtocolShadowConnection also has these types of members:


The IWTSProtocolShadowConnection interface has these methods.


IWTSProtocolShadowConnection::DoTarget is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection::DoTarget.

IWTSProtocolShadowConnection::Start is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection::Start.

IWTSProtocolShadowConnection::Stop is no longer available. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolShadowConnection::Stop.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header wtsprotocol.h