wuapi.h header
This header is used by Windows Update Agent API. For more information, see:
wuapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IAutomaticUpdates Contains the functionality of Automatic Updates. (IAutomaticUpdates) |
IAutomaticUpdates2 Contains the functionality of Automatic Updates. (IAutomaticUpdates2) |
IAutomaticUpdatesResults Contains the read-only properties that describe Automatic Updates. |
IAutomaticUpdatesSettings Contains the settings that are available in Automatic Updates. (IAutomaticUpdatesSettings) |
IAutomaticUpdatesSettings2 Contains the settings that are available in Automatic Updates. (IAutomaticUpdatesSettings2) |
IAutomaticUpdatesSettings3 Contains the settings that are available in Automatic Updates. (IAutomaticUpdatesSettings3) |
ICategory Represents the category to which an update belongs. |
ICategoryCollection Represents an ordered read-only list of ICategory interfaces. |
IDownloadCompletedCallback Provides the callback that is used when an asynchronous download is completed. |
IDownloadCompletedCallbackArgs Contains information about the completion of a download. This interface acts as a parameter to the IDownloadCompletedCallback delegate. The download and installation of the update is asynchronous. |
IDownloadJob Contains properties and methods that are available to a download operation. |
IDownloadProgress Represents the progress of an asynchronous download operation. |
IDownloadProgressChangedCallback Handles the notification that indicates a change in the progress of an asynchronous download operation. |
IDownloadProgressChangedCallbackArgs Contains information about the change in the progress of an asynchronous download operation. |
IDownloadResult Represents the result of a download operation. |
IImageInformation Contains information about a localized image that is associated with an update or a category. |
IInstallationAgent Records the result for an update. |
IInstallationBehavior Represents the installation and uninstallation options of an update. |
IInstallationCompletedCallback Handles the notification that indicates that an asynchronous installation or uninstallation is complete. |
IInstallationCompletedCallbackArgs Contains information about the completion of an installation and acts as a parameter to the IInstallationCompletedCallback delegate. The download and installation of the update is asynchronous. |
IInstallationJob Contains properties and methods that are available to an installation or uninstallation operation. |
IInstallationProgress Represents the progress of an asynchronous installation or uninstallation. |
IInstallationProgressChangedCallback Defines the Invoke method that handles the notification about the on-going progress of an asynchronous installation or uninstallation. |
IInstallationProgressChangedCallbackArgs Contains information about the change in the progress of an asynchronous installation or uninstallation at the time the callback was made. |
IInstallationResult Represents the result of an installation or uninstallation. |
IInvalidProductLicenseException Encapsulates the exception that is thrown when an invalid license is detected for a product. |
ISearchCompletedCallback Contains a method that handles the notification about the completion of an asynchronous search operation. |
ISearchCompletedCallbackArgs Contains information about the completion of an asynchronous search. It also acts as a parameter to the SearchCompletedCallback delegate. |
ISearchJob Contains properties and methods that are available to a search operation. |
ISearchResult Represents the result of a search. |
IStringCollection Represents an ordered list of strings. |
ISystemInformation Contains information about the specified computer. This information is relevant to the Windows Update Agent (WUA). |
IUpdate Contains the properties and methods that are available to an update. (IUpdate) |
IUpdate2 Contains the properties and methods that are available to an update. (IUpdate2) |
IUpdate3 Contains the properties and methods that are available to an update. (IUpdate3) |
IUpdate4 Contains the properties and methods that are available to an update. (IUpdate4) |
IUpdate5 Contains the properties and methods that are available to an update. (IUpdate5) |
IUpdateCollection Represents an ordered list of updates. |
IUpdateDownloadContent Represents the download content of an update. (IUpdateDownloadContent) |
IUpdateDownloadContent2 Represents the download content of an update. (IUpdateDownloadContent2) |
IUpdateDownloadContentCollection Represents a collection of download contents for an update. |
IUpdateDownloader Downloads updates from the server. |
IUpdateDownloaderEx Downloads updates from the server. (IUpdateDownloaderEx) |
IUpdateDownloadResult Contains the properties that indicate the status of a download operation for an update. |
IUpdateEx Contains the properties and methods that are available to an update. (IUpdateEx) |
IUpdateException Represents info about the aspects of search results returned in the ISearchResult object that were incomplete. |
IUpdateExceptionCollection Represents an ordered read-only list of IUpdateException interfaces. |
IUpdateHistoryEntry Represents the recorded history of an update. (IUpdateHistoryEntry) |
IUpdateHistoryEntry2 Represents the recorded history of an update. (IUpdateHistoryEntry2) |
IUpdateHistoryEntryCollection Represents an ordered read-only list of IUpdateHistoryEntry interfaces. |
IUpdateIdentity Represents the unique identifier of an update. |
IUpdateInstallationResult Contains the properties and the methods that are available to the status of an installation or uninstallation of an update. |
IUpdateInstaller Installs or uninstalls updates from or onto a computer. |
IUpdateInstaller2 Installs or uninstalls updates on a computer. (IUpdateInstaller2) |
IUpdateInstaller3 Installs or uninstalls updates on a computer. (IUpdateInstaller3) |
IUpdateInstaller4 Provides methods to finalize updates that were previously staged or installed. |
IUpdateLockdown Restricts access to methods and properties of objects that implements the method of this interface. |
IUpdateSearcher Searches for updates on a server. (IUpdateSearcher) |
IUpdateSearcher2 Searches for updates on a server. (IUpdateSearcher2) |
IUpdateSearcher3 Searches for updates on a server. (IUpdateSearcher3) |
IUpdateService Contains information about a service that is registered with Windows Update Agent (WUA) or with Automatic Updates. (IUpdateService) |
IUpdateService2 Contains information about a service that is registered with Windows Update Agent (WUA) or with Automatic Updates. (IUpdateService2) |
IUpdateServiceCollection Represents a list of IUpdateService interfaces. |
IUpdateServiceManager Adds or removes the registration of the update service with Windows Update Agent or Automatic Updates. (IUpdateServiceManager) |
IUpdateServiceManager2 Adds or removes the registration of the update service with Windows Update Agent or Automatic Updates. (IUpdateServiceManager2) |
IUpdateServiceRegistration Contains information about the registration state of a service. |
IUpdateSession Represents a session in which the caller can perform operations that involve updates. For example, this interface represents sessions in which the caller performs a search, download, installation, or uninstallation operation. (IUpdateSession) |
IUpdateSession2 Represents a session in which the caller can perform operations that involve updates. For example, this interface represents sessions in which the caller performs a search, download, installation, or uninstallation operation. (IUpdateSession2) |
IUpdateSession3 Represents a session in which the caller can perform operations that involve updates. For example, this interface represents sessions in which the caller performs a search, download, installation, or uninstallation operation. (IUpdateSession3) |
IWebProxy Contains the HTTP proxy settings. |
IWindowsDriverUpdate Contains the properties and the methods that are available only from a Windows driver update. |
IWindowsDriverUpdate2 Contains the properties and methods that are available only from a Windows driver update. (IWindowsDriverUpdate2) |
IWindowsDriverUpdate3 Contains the properties and methods that are available only from a Windows driver update. (IWindowsDriverUpdate3) |
IWindowsDriverUpdate4 Contains the properties and methods that are available only from a Windows driver update. (IWindowsDriverUpdate4) |
IWindowsDriverUpdate5 Contains the properties and methods that are available only from a Windows driver update. (IWindowsDriverUpdate5) |
IWindowsDriverUpdateEntry Contains the properties that are available only from a Windows driver update. |
IWindowsDriverUpdateEntryCollection Contains a collection of driver update entries associated with a driver update. All of the properties have the standard collection semantics. |
IWindowsUpdateAgentInfo Retrieves information about the version of Windows Update Agent (WUA). |
AddServiceFlag Defines the possible ways in which the IUpdateServiceManager2 interface can process service registration requests. |
AutoDownloadMode Defines the types of logic that is used to determine whether Automatic Updates will automatically download an update once it is determined to be applicable for the computer. |
AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel Defines the possible ways in which elevated users are notified about Automatic Updates events. |
AutomaticUpdatesPermissionType Defines the possible ways to set the NotificationLevel property of the IAutomaticUpdatesSettings interface or the IncludeRecommendedUpdates property of the IAutomaticUpdatesSettings2 interface. |
AutomaticUpdatesScheduledInstallationDay Defines the days of the week when Automatic Updates installs or uninstalls updates. |
AutomaticUpdatesUserType Defines the type of user. |
AutoSelectionMode Defines the types of logic that is used to determine whether a particular update will be automatically selected when the user views available updates in the Windows Update user interface. |
DeploymentAction Defines the action for which an update is explicitly deployed. |
DownloadPhase Defines the progress of the download of the current update that is returned by the CurrentUpdateDownloadPhase property of the IDownloadProgress interface. |
DownloadPriority Defines the possible priorities for a download operation. |
DownloadType Specifies the type of download to perform. |
InstallationImpact Defines the possible levels of impact that can be caused by installing or uninstalling an update. |
InstallationRebootBehavior Defines the possible restart behaviors for an update. |
OperationResultCode Defines the possible results of a download, install, uninstall, or verification operation on an update. |
SearchScope Defines the variety of updates that should be returned by the search:_per-machine updates, per-user updates, or both. |
UpdateExceptionContext Defines the context in which an IUpdateException object can be provided. |
UpdateLockdownOption Defines the functionality that the Windows Update Agent (WUA) object can access from Windows Update. |
UpdateOperation Defines operations that can be attempted on an update. |
UpdateServiceOption Defines the options that affect how the service registration for a scan package service is removed. |
UpdateServiceRegistrationState Defines the possible states for an update service. |
UpdateType Defines the types of update, such as a driver or software update. |